Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Five Months Old!!!

Five Months Old - September 20, 2012

Tomorrow my baby will be 5 months old!  It's so hard to believe that we are only a month away from half a year, but it also seems like she has been a part of our family forever.  She is the sweetest little thing and is so adored by all of us.  She hardly ever cries, and when she does she is either hungry or tired.  She gives the best wet kisses.  She is finally sleeping in her crib!  She stayed in the bassinet in her room for about a week and a half and when we put her in the crib she did great!  She has woken up a couple of times when she has lost her paci, but goes back to sleep almost instantly after we put it back in her mouth.  She still only takes short little cat naps throughout the day, but if that works for her then it works for me!

She eats 4-5 oz. at each feeding every three hours (7, 10, 1, 4,7).  She usually naps around 8:30 am and then again around 2:00.  She has not started "solid" foods yet, but we are going to try some oatmeal this week.  After she masters oatmeal and rice cereal, we will start fruits and veggies - hopefully around 6 months!  So exciting!!!  (and messy!)  She is still comfortably in a size 1 diaper.  Her onesies and sleepers are 0-3 months but she's starting to fit nicely into 3-6 month sizes.  Her hair is getting a little thicker and it looks like it is coming in blonde!  It is much lighter than C's hair at this age. 

She loves her paci, swing, "standing" up, her play gym, Daisy, Caroline, her exersaucer, mirrors, bath time, and being carried in the Baby Bjorn.  I'm thinking about getting another carrier that is easier on my back since she loves it so much!

She doesn't show a preference between Adam and me.  As long as one of us is holding her, then she's good.  She doesn't like new people holding very much and will scream and cry until she is back in our arms!  Caroline didn't mind other people holding her this much.  Not sure if that is a personality difference, or just that C saw people more often.  We couldn't keep grandparents away after we had Caroline!  With Ann Parker, she has only been around each set just a handful of times. She loves Caroline and always gives the biggest smiles when she sees her sister.  I think the feeling is mutual :)  Caroline loves to "check baby" every night and asks where she is each morning.  I can't wait to watch them grow into best friends.

She loves when we read to her or when we sing.  One of her favorites is Itsy Bitsy Spider - and you have to do the hand motions to get a big smile!  Another favorite song is Somewhere Over the Rainbow.  I know I don't have the greatest voice, but I sure do love singing to my baby.  I usually put her to bed awake and she can put herself to sleep, but if she has some trouble I will rock her for a minute and sing and she will drift right to sleep. 

Happy 5 months sweet girl!  We love you more than you will ever know.  I am so thankful that I have the chance to be your mommy!

She loves her piggies!

Big girl in her crib!

She has also been loving on Sofie lately.


Kelley said...

Love that baby!!!!

Alli and Korey said...

Really she just gets cutier and cutier!!

On Broadway said...

Ummm I'm pretty sure she likes it when I hold her!

Adam and Emily said...

That's true...she never cried when you held her. Both my girls are a little obsessed with you...;)