Thursday, January 12, 2012

Where did the time go??

I cannot believe that I am now 23 weeks pregnant! I forgot to take a belly picture at 20 weeks. It was right before Christmas and with all the shopping, wrapping, baking, and enjoying the holiday with Caroline I just forgot! I'll take one next week though.

So far I am feeling good. My sciatic nerve pain is back and worse than ever, but that's probably the only negative thing. No more nausea or headaches. I am always hungry. I am sure I have put on several pounds in the past two days as I haven't stopped eating in 48 hours. My energy is up and down depending on the day. Luckily Caroline is napping fairly well these days so I can get some rest each day. I have been nesting like crazy! I am constatly doing projects around the house and when I cannot do something, I start planning things. I have planned Caroline's 2nd birthday, what gifts to get her for Valentine's Day, Easter, Big Sister gifts, and her birthday. I have started a list of what gifts to get both of the girls for Christmas. If only I could stay pregnant forever then I'd get tons of things done!

I have another doctor appointment in 10 days. They will do another ultrasound and I cannot wait! They will confirm the gender and check on the position of the placenta. At the last ultrasound they said it was "low laying" so they would need to keep an eye on it.

This pregnancy is just flying by and I wish that it would slow down a little. I have so much to do to get ready for Ann Parker. Adam is working on a trial coming up at the end of next month so his work schedule is about to majorly pick up. That means I'll have tons to do and no help :( Also, I want to enjoy every single minute that I have with just Caroline. She's my baby (and always will be) and it's hard to think that she's about to be the BIG sister.

Here are a few pictures of life at the Israel house lately.

Sleepy girl snuggling in the blanket in between wardrobe changes.

Caroline fingerpainted the other day and LOVED it! We'll be doing a lot more of that.

Playing at the Vestavia Library before story time.

Hugging big sister Daisy (another girl who has no idea that her life is going to be changing...again)

1 comment:

On Broadway said...

She is looking so old! and yes, poor Daisy - Lucy can sympathize!