Friday, August 23, 2013

Sixteen Months Old!!!

Sixteen Months Old - August 20, 2013

My sweet toddler turned 16 months old this week.  What a big girl she has become!  She is learning so many words that it's hard to keep track.  If she doesn't know the word for something she wants, she will say "this" or "that" and point so that we understand.  It makes things a lot easier around here!

She eats about 90% of what we give her to eat.  There are a few things she won't try, but not too much.  Lately, she is loving watermelon and grapes.

Not too much has changed since last month except that she knows more words.  Oh...and she has decided that she hates to sleep.  A couple of months ago, she was cutting several teeth which kept her up a lot.  Then she got a little fever virus.  Now - who knows?  She goes to bed at 7:30 with no problems.  I put her down awake and she rolls over and goes to sleep.  She wakes up around 11:00 or 12:00 and will fall asleep in our arms and then wake up and scream FOREVER when we put her down.  Finally, a hour or more later when she finally falls asleep, we can fall asleep for a few minutes before this process starts again.  Needless to say, we are exhausted.  Hopefully this is just a phase!

She loves water - pools, splash pads, hoses, bath tubs, etc.  She is such a water baby!  We have had a fun time playing outside this summer and getting her in the water!  I am taking them to the splash pad next week and I know she will have a blast.

This age is so fun!  She is able to communicate some, but is still my sweet and snugly baby.  She will start going to Parent's Day Out in a couple of weeks and we are very excited for her.  I know she will have a fun time.

I never posted her 15 month stats from her appointment, so here they are:
18 lb. 10 oz. (20%)
30.5 inches (50%)
17.25 HC (50%)
She got three shots and only cried for a minute.  She is healthy and happy!

We love you so much Ann Parker!  You are such a joy to us!

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