Friday, August 23, 2013

Big Week for Caroline!

This was a big week for Caroline!  She started soccer and ballet.  In two more weeks she will start going to real preschool (as opposed to Mother's Day Out) and she will also start choir.  She is going to be one busy little bee this fall.

Monday evening was her first soccer practice.  Her team is the Blazers.  Two of her best buddies, Jack and Sydney, are on her team.  As I expected, practice was horrible.  She had no idea what was going on and cried when she had to wait her turn.  She did love kicking the ball around and didn't want to leave so I think there is hope.  In a couple of weeks she will probably be a pro!

Her soccer gear:  Not pictured are her hot pink socks and her monogrammed lime green/hot pink soccer bag...we thought we would go a little girly with her stuff :)

She was so excited!!!

On Thursday, Caroline had her first Princess Ballet class at BDT.  I spent so long trying to find the perfect studio and I am so pleased with BDT so far.  They have a great reputation and are very close to our house.  I had wanted to her do a tap/ballet combo class - but doing just ballet ensures she will do ballet in the recital (which is what I wanted her to do).  This particular class also has so dress up time and they dance in tiaras.  Perfect for my little girl who loves dress up!!  She did FANTASTIC in class.  She was a great listener and did everything the teacher said.  I am so proud of my ballerina baby!

Getting ready to go

So excited...she had to run off some energy before class began.

Three of her best buddies are in her class: Charlotte, Sydney and Caroline M.  Before I had kids I worried that I wouldn't find good "mommy friends."  Boy, was I wrong.  I have some of the best friends anyone could ask for and their sweet kids are such great friends to my kids.  We are so blessed.

After a long week, Caroline had some extra daddy time last night and they read a bunch of books together. What a fun week this girl has had!  

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