Thursday, June 6, 2013

Time for your checkup

Who is singing the Doc McStuffins theme song right now?  I am...

Ann Parker had her one year check up and Caroline had her three year check up yesterday.  I put off AP's so that I could take the two of them at the same time.  I was preparing for a disaster, but it was the easiest doctor visit of all time.  We literally did not wait at all - in the waiting room, in the actual room, or in the lab.  We had two checkups, three shots, and one visit to the lab for a finger prick and we were in and out in less than an hour.

First up...Caroline!!

Caroline had a great checkup - nothing to worry about and as healthy as can be according to Dr. Wilson!  Her vocabulary is rather large and she has a wild imagination.  Even though she doesn't eat very much (quantity wise), she is growing like a weed and kids will usually start adding quantity down the road.  She weighed 30 lb. 4 oz. (50%), was 38.5 inches long (90%).  She is going to be a tall girl for sure!!

Next...Ann Parker!!

AP also had a great checkup.  She had to get three shots and her finger pricked.  She cried for just a minute until I was able to pick her up and love on her.  She has met all the developmental milestones that Dr. Wilson wanted her to meet at this point (pointing, waving, beginning to say words, and walking).  She weighed 17 lb. 3 oz. (10%), was 29 inches long (50%), and had a head circumference of 17.25 (25%).  Although she is smaller than Caroline was at this age, she is starting to catch up!  Caroline weighed 19 lb. 12 oz and was 29.25 inches long at age one.  AP weighs less, but is almost at the same length so I wonder if she will also be a tall girl one day.  Clearly they got the height from me...

I am so thankful for these two beautiful and healthy little girls!

Sweet matching sisters after their checkups!!

The sweet hugs quickly turned into a choke hold and some wrestling.

Ann Parker was not a fan...

1 comment:

Kelley said...

Wrestling pics are hilarious!