Sunday, June 16, 2013

Father's Day 2013

Today is Adam's FOURTH Father's Day!!!  Sadly, it isn't the great Father's Day that I had imagined.  Adam is set for a trial tomorrow, so he's been working around the clock for the past two weeks.  He had to wake up bright and early this morning, pack, and leave for Montgomery :(  No time for a special breakfast, no time to play, no time at all!

He did get a couple of special gifts.  One present isn't pictured.  Spoiler's clothes.  We added another page to his Father's Day scrapbook and got some new water bottles for his road bike.

We took a couple pictures of Daddy and his two sweet babies before he left.  I truly cannot imagine a better daddy than Adam.  He is so head over heels in love with these girls and I have a feeling that they feel the same.

I love doing the questions with Caroline.  She is finally old enough that her answers make some sense.  It says:

How big is Daddy?
So big I can't see him.

How old is Daddy?

What does Daddy like to eat?
Fruit and yogurt.

What does Daddy do all day at work?

What is your favorite thing to do with Daddy?
Read books and do pieces (puzzles).

What is Daddy's whole name?
Daddy Adam Israel Grace Israel.

What does Daddy like to do?

Caroline enjoyed taking a bigger part in making the scrapbook page.  She did the "daddy" stickers on the right page and did the dot art of the left page and also picked out the purple craft paper.  I can't wait for AP to get in on the fun!!

Happy Father's Day to the best Daddy I know!  Even though we are bummed to not be spending the day with our #1, it's a great reminder of how hard he works so that I can stay home and raise these beautiful kids, in this great house, with food in our cabinets, a car in our garage, and so much more!  I cannot wait for trial to be over - we could use daddy back home with us!

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