Friday, July 20, 2012

I hope for my girls...

17 years ago I went to the Huntsville Middle School ice cream social.  I was getting ready to start 6th grade.  Since a few elementary schools fed into one middle school, it was a way for everybody to see who would be in our classes.  We met in the lunchroom and sat down to hear the principal and a few teachers say a few things.  I sat across from this one girl with long dark hair.  I knew who she was although we came from different elementary schools.  We had danced at the same dance studio and I had seen her pictures in the recital books.  I wouldn't say that we became friends that day, but we were friendly with each other the next few years.  We had lockers next to each other in 7th grade and would talk when we saw each other.  Fast forward to 9th grade.  We had PE together and were now in all of the same dance classes.  We saw each other every day at school and then 3 days a week we spent hours together after school at dance.  We quickly became friends.  And then best friends.  And then completely inseperable.  I was no longer "Emily."  I was part of "EmilyandAnna" or "AnnaandEmily."

We went to BSC together and were roomies our freshman year.  I am not sure if I remember that year as my favorite because it was new and exciting or because I got to live with my best friend.  We didn't have our parents telling us to get off the phone or that it was time to come home.  Maybe some of both, but we had great time.  Sure, we have had our ups and downs over the years but we have remained friends.  5 years ago I was a bridesmaid in her wedding and 4 years ago she returned the favor and was a bridesmaid in my wedding.  2 years ago and then a few months ago she helped host baby showers for my girls.  Early this year I got to the same for her and her sweet baby girl. 

She is my oldest and dearest friend.  And she is moving to Oklahoma for a year.  I am so excited for her and her husband to have this adventure, but I am sad for me because I want her close.  I will never be able to go to Target and not think of the time we got horribly lost right hours before rush started.  I can never pass a Krystal and not think about caressing the buns :)  I can't help but smile thinking about our "Top 10 Worst Dances Ever" party, flea markets and Bailamos, ringing in the new year on our heads, senior prom and so much more...17 years worth of memories that make me smile.

I can only hope that my kids find such a great, lifelong friend.  I not so secretly hope that their lifelong friends are Anna's kids.  :)

Good luck on the move sweet friend.  Call me anytime and often.  I can't wait for the memories we still have to make...getting lost in Oklahoma and where ever else the army takes your family, watching our kids play together, and so much more.  That's the thing about lifelong friends...they are for your whole life.  So as sad as I am that she's moving, I am also happy because I know that we will always be friends.  Through thick and thin. (Other way.)


Anonymous said...

Your blog brought tears to my eyes... So many wonderful memories for Anna, and Ee. I truly hope ya'll keep in touch !! Love, Linda Gimenez

Anna Beam said...

LOVE this sweet post! I waved to Eva one last time on my drive up to Huntsville. Looking forward to all the memories we have yet to make :)