Monday, July 4, 2011

Caroline's Surgery

On Friday (July 1) we all woke up super early (like 4:00 early). A very sleepy mommy and daddy loaded up an every sleepier little Caroline to head to Children's Hospital for her tear duct surgery.

We got their a little early so we had to wait a while, even though Caroline was the first surgery of the day.

She was such a good little girl. They took all her vitals before heading back to the room. She didn't cry at all - as long as Daddy was near by.

We had to put her in a teeny tiny hospital gown. So adorable and so sad at the same time.

Like I said...Daddy had to be near by at all times. He took a half step away and she started crying so he had to pick her up again.

She fell asleep right before they came to take her back to the operating room.

We got to carry her to the doors before handing her off to a nurse. She didn't cry that much after we walked away (either that or we just couldn't hear her). We went back to the room to wait for the phone call that it was over. The doctor told us they would call in about 30-40 minutes. Almost exactly 30 minutes later they called and said it was over and they were waking her up. The doctor came to talk to us and assured us that Caroline had done beautifully and the nurse would bring her back to us in about 45 minutes. A very long 45 minutes later Caroline was finally in my arms! She was a little swollen, had a bloody nose and an IV but otherwise looked perfect. She fell asleep in my arms and I just rocked her for a while. Since she was able to keep her juice down, she was discharged by 9:00! She was a little sleepy and uncomfortable for the rest of the day, but we kept her as happy as possible with tylenol/advil, eye drops, nose spray and lots of hugs. They told us that she may not be hungry but she managed to eat a little at dinner. On Saturday morning she woke up and was back to her usual self. We are so thankful that it's over and so grateful that everything went well!! We feel so blessed to have had such an amazing doctor (Dr. Cogan) and live in a city with such an amazing Children's Hospital. Everyone was wonderful and made us feel so comfortable. I hope that we don't have to go back to Children's - but we are so happy it's near by just in case!

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