Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Happy Birthday Raughley!!! (and my first sewing project)

Happy Birthday to one of Caroline's best friends, Raughley!! He turns 2 this week and we were so excited to help celebrate last weekend at his party. He had a Mickey Mouse Clubhouse party. I know how much C loves the mouse, so I decided to make her a dress to wear. I got a new sewing machine for Christmas so it was time to put it to good use. Check out this adorable dress!! (It's more adorable if you don't get too close)

It's far from perfect, but it's a start!! I can't wait to make her some more adorable things.

She looked great in it, even if she spent most of the time pulling out R's toys.

She's been standing by herself like that all the time lately!!

Other than making a big mess, Raughley's party was full of firsts for Caroline. She got to try some birthday cake!! I figured I'd let her try a couple of bites so she'd be excited at her own birthday party. She loved it! She pretty much ate an entire slice by herself. She's going to be like her mama and have a serious sweet tooth! She also went in a bouncey house for the first time. She loved that as well. It was such a fun day for her.

Happy Birthday Raughley!! We love you and hope you had a wonderful day! Adam and I are hoping that C takes after me and marries a man 13 months older than her and luckily Raughley fits that requirement :)


On Broadway said...

I love the dress!! I have the borrow the pattern. Good job girl!

Hillary said...

Great job! Sewing is no joke!