Monday, October 7, 2013

Trike-a-thon and Transportation Fair

**I know I am behind in several posts (like AP's 17 month) but they will be done in the next day or so - we have been busy, busy, busy!!**

Last Friday Caroline's school participated in the Trike-a-thon benefiting St. Jude's Children's Hospital.  They also had a transportation fair where the kids could see a police car, police motorcycle, fire truck, bus, racing car, etc. up close.  Caroline was so excited to participate.  She met her fundraising goal (and by met her goal, I mean Adam wrote a check...) and she even earned a trike-a-ton shirt!!  Woohoo!

It was so cute!  I will post a video after this, but here are the pictures of her class enjoying their day!

She's a little too excited to be sitting in the back of a police car...

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