Friday, October 18, 2013

Conversations with Caroline

I really feel that Caroline is the funniest kid to walk this earth.  I know every mom thinks that...but she is so stinkin funny!  Here are some things she has said lately:

Ladies and Benjamin (instead of ladies and gentlemen)

I walked in to my bedroom to find a can of beer sitting on Adam's side table.  Adam isn't one to bring beer to bed, so I asked Caroline if she put it there.  She had pulled it out of a box we had left over from a party and put it there "to make daddy so happy."  

This morning she came up to me and said, "Mommy, there isn't a pole at the North Pole.  It's just a nickname but don't be sad because we can bring a pole when we go visit."

She found a penny and was going to throw it away.  I told her to save it because it was money and she could save a bunch of money and buy herself a new toy.  Her reply, "I will borrow money from daddy to buy toys and treats." 

She asks for "pri-ba-seat" when she uses the potty (she is completely done with her little potty!!! Only the regular potty for her now!!)

She had a snack in the car and when she finished wanted to give me the trash.  I reached back and she said, "you reached! I am so proud of you!  I will sing the reaching song." The reaching song went like this, "reach, reach, reach, reach into the ocean."

I asked her what she thought daddy did all day.  She said, "picks up pennies and then buys me things."

We went to grab some dinner the other night and she walked in and said very loudly, "oh good. It looks like a good place to throw things and make a mess."

Each night I try to say prayers with her.  I have been telling her to thank God for the things she has and loves, like her family, etc.  When it's her turn to say a prayer she will say thank you for the lights, curtains, vent, shoes, fingers, mirror, belly buttons, the colors, etc.  It's always fun to see what she will come up with.

She has such an adorable little personality and I can't wait to see what she will say next!

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