Monday, June 10, 2013

What a Weekend!!

We had such a busy, busy weekend!  Two of our friends from law school were getting married and the weekend was packed with wedding festivities.  We started Friday evening off at the rehearsal dinner at B&A Warehouse followed by a Birmingham Barons game.  It was the first game that we took the girls to.  They were both getting tired but extremely interested in the new surroundings, so it was hard to keep them corralled - thus, no pictures.  We will be taking them back soon though...perhaps to an afternoon game and not a 7:30 game.

Saturday morning we woke up bright and early to watch Adam participate in the Lakeshore Foundation's Amazing Race.  It's a fundraising event put on by their junior board.  Adam was on a team with some people from his office.  They finished 9th out of 19.  We were so proud!!

While we waited for his team to finish, we played at the awesome playground!!

He was on the red team.  After the race, we headed to the building to eat some delicious food from the Off the Hook food truck and Steel City Pops! yum.

We came home, rested for a bit, and then got ready for the wedding!!  Seriously - one of the best weddings ever.  We stepped out of our car and were given glasses of champagne.  The bridesmaids and bride carried champagne flutes with rings of flowers at the bottom in lieu of bouquets.  The outdoor wedding ceremony lasted all of five minutes and ended with group toast to the bride and groom.  We spent the next several hours eating Kathy G. food and baby bites, catching up with old friends, and watching our girls sing and dance.

Caroline had the best time.  I tried to get a picture of her, but within 10 seconds she took her bow off and hit the dance floor...and was never still again.  Well, once she figured out she could get on stage she was fairly still as she tried to sing along!  ha!

Sunday morning, there was a "marys after they are married" brunch at the top of the Kress building. We stuffed our faces, had champagne and bloody marys, watched all the kids throw bocce balls, and spent a little time with our friends before saying good bye!

My girls love "baby" Drew..luckily he lives in Birmingham and we happen to love his parents so they get to see him more often!

Caroline was OBSESSED with our friend Margaret!  She climbed up into her lap and kept saying, "I need to ride in your car.  I need to go to your house."

We were supposed to go to a pool party Sunday evening, but both girls were super cranky from all the activities so we had an early dinner at PF Changs and came home and relaxed instead.  Let's be honest, Adam and I were equally tired and cranky.  I feel like we need a weekend to recover and rest from our weekend.

I hate that I didn't get a lot of pictures, other than my kids!  We'll just have to plan to see our friends again soon so I can take some pictures.

1 comment:

Starr said...

The wedding photographer got a super cute picture of Caroline on stage in our preview pictures. I'm sure we'll have a lot more coming!