Saturday, June 22, 2013

Longest Week Ever

Adam has been out of town for trial, leaving us to fend for ourselves :)  Since I knew that no one was coming home in the evening to help with the feeding, bathing, putting to bed routine, I planned our days to be as full as possible.  Tired girls make for an easier bed time.  I have also learned, this makes for a tired mama...and that doesn't make for an easier bed time.  Let's just say we are all SOOOOO glad to have daddy home!!

On Monday I decided that we would stay in the house.  I had so much laundry to catch up on and it was blazing hot outside so it seemed like the best idea.  We did puzzles, books, painting, and played with about every toy in the house....all before lunch.  We did take a few minutes to go outside in the heat though.  I put them in outfits that had pants - since I knew we would be inside where it's cool.  Both girls were naked within two minutes of these pictures - it was that hot!!

On Tuesday, we had planned on going to story time and then the splash pad but it was rainy, so we just did story time and lunch.  We were so glad that Sydney and Brooklyn were there!!  These are blurry because I still had my camera on some settings for being outside in the bright sun, but I wanted to put these in here.  It's Caroline dancing at the front of the room - when all the other kids were sitting in their spots.  Sweet thing thinks she always needs to be front and center.

We had planned on going to the farmer's market that evening, but it rained again.  Boo.  On Wednesday, my friend Elise brought her two sweet girls over - Campbell and Anna Bryant.  They are both a little younger than my C and A so we've been passing down some monograms!  It works great!  I only took this one picture, but I wish I took more.  Caroline LOVED playing with Campbell.  She's big enough that she can talk and do what Caroline tells her to do, but small enough that Caroline still felt like the boss.  Yes, my child is going through a major bossy phase.  After they played for a while, Caroline said "You sit there Campbell and eat a sandwich."  What a mess!!

After lunch and Ann Parker went down for a nap, Caroline and I enjoyed some ice cream.  I love that I have little ice cream lover like me.  I know someone will always justify my mid-day dessert, I mean - it's really for her right??  I just get to join in!

By that afternoon, I was exhausted.  I hadn't been sleeping well, and neither had the girls. AP is cutting another tooth - so she has been waking up TWICE each night.  It wouldn't be so bad, if Caroline didn't stay up until midnight!!  She gets tired around 8:30, but says she is going to wait up for daddy.  After I explain that he isn't coming home, she cries and has a lovely little meltdown.  I can tell she's tired, but she keeps waiting for daddy.  She finally goes to sleep around 11:30-12:00 and I have just enough time to fall asleep before AP wakes up.  My friend Sarah must be an angel because on Wednesday at 3:30ish, I got a text saying that they were headed to McWane.  Yes!!  Just what we needed - an activity before bed.  Both girls played and then we came home for dinner and finally and easy and early bedtime!!  Score!

On Thursday morning, the girls and I headed to church.  I am doing a bible study during the summer with my friend Blair (and a bunch of others) and C gets to play in the nursery with Blair's two boys - who she adores!!  When I picked her up she said, "I love that Jack Jack.  He loves me too!"  After that, we went to lunch.  Caroline only ate her pickles and some pickle flavored chips.  The girl can't get enough.  AP and I actually ate our sandwiches :)  That afternoon we went to play with some more friends.  We brought the bounce house and they had a blast!

Finally we made to Friday!!!  We stayed in all morning so I could get the house all clean.  I had planned on having the cleaning lady come but she couldn't make it that day so I enlisted the two worst  sweetest helpers on the planet.  Caroline unfolded all the clothes and AP pulled out all the toys as I put them away.  All in all, it was a productive morning.

I took Caroline to Build a Bear that afternoon!  She had never been but I have been wanting to take her.  She picked out a pink bear and a little outfit.  She had a great time.  It was so cute watching her.  She LOVED giving the bear a "bath."  The bear and the clothes were pretty expensive, but it was worth it, right??  She hasn't touched that bear since we left the store...

Next time this one will be making an animal too!!

Are these two not the cutest??

After making bears, we headed to the food court for some fries and a milkshake.  Caroline had a major meltdown.  Probably one of the biggest she has ever had.  Caroline is usually pretty easy going and has never thrown huge tantrums.  She has her moments, but she is a lot better than most other kids.  Yesterday was a tantrum like no other.  She tossed the milkshake because she didn't want to share.  She screamed and yelled.  It was bad.  After we got home, she looked at me and said, "Mommy, Ann Parker needs to tell Ms. Sarah she is sorry for acting ugly.  I told her to behave so it's all her fault."  Ummmm....what?!?!?!?  I wanted to laugh and cry.  In the end, I just had to laugh because if my three year old throws a tantrum and that's the worst thing that happens in that day, I am pretty lucky.

Daddy FINALLY got home around 8:00!!!!!!  I am not sure who was more excited - the girls, him, or me.  We have him all to ourselves this weekend and we are taking advantage for sure!

1 comment:

Kelley said...

My vote is the mama wins the prize for most tired!!!
Put those feet up sister!

LA never plays with her rabbit from Build A Bear...