Sunday, March 8, 2015

Six Months Old!!!

Six Months Old - February 26, 2015

Half a year has passed since Harrison arrived and I have to say this was the fastest six months of my life.  I am not sure how it is possible that he is now closer to one than birth but here we are...  What a month this has been for our boy!!  A few days before turning 6 months old he tried rice cereal.  He wasn't a huge fan, but he is learning.  Since then he has tried sweet potatoes and apples.  He has not LOVED anything yet, but he gets some down before he starts getting upset.  We will keep trying new things and hopefully find some things he does love.

He finally moved up to a size 2 diaper this week!!  His clothing size is all over the place - 3 month to 12 month depending on brand but in his sleepers he wears a size 6 month so that's what I am going to say is his actual size.  He can roll over both ways and is working on sitting up unassisted.  He still needs some help, but he is getting there!  He loves standing so his johnny jump up and exersaucer have become his favorite things of the moment.  We have two strollers, a BOB and a Mama's and Papa's Sola stroller.  We have kept him facing us in the sola stroller, but recently we have started facing him outward and he LOVES it!!!  He loves seeing what is going on.  He still loves bath time and his feet are his best buddies.  He smiles so big at his sisters and it melts my heart.  He hates his car seat and laying down if he's not tired.  He gives the best kisses and I think he is a mama's boy.

We decided to sign Harrison up for Parent's Day Out in the fall.  I was hesitant since the girls didn't start going to "school" until 16 and 17 months and he will be just 12 months but I think he will enjoy it.  He will be going 2 days a week - Wednesday and Friday.  I cannot believe that he is old enough for this!!

He is eating 5-6 oz. bottles at each feeding.  I am still pumping, but have also started adding in some supplemental formula - which sometimes he doesn't mind and sometimes he hates.  His schedule isn't always predictable but he does take a morning nap and an afternoon nap.  The time depends on what else is going on that day.  Third child problems!!  We are in the car and on the go a lot so he takes a good amount of car seat naps.

He has been doing a lot of babbling and has started making some distinct "ma" sounds.  I don't think he has any idea that I am "mama" but it's nice that he started with that sound first.  Who knows - maybe that means mama will be his first word!  He loves to coo and will have "conversations" with us all the time.  We will say something to him and he will babble back in response.  This goes back and forth for a while.  It's adorable!!

He is such a sweet, easy going, happy little guy and we are so incredibly blessed to get to be his parents.  Happy half birthday little boy!!  I love you to the moon and back - and even more!

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