Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Baby Sprinkle and Pregnancy Update

This week I will be 34 weeks pregnant - we are really in the final stretch!!  Both girls came at 37 weeks, so if baby Harrison follows suit then we could have a baby sometime in the next month.  It's exciting and scary! We are busy working to finish his nursery, some other last minute projects, pack a hospital bag, and spending precious time with our girls before we become a family of five.

This past weekend was my baby sprinkle, given by two of my dearest friends - Rebecca and Sarah.  I am so blessed to have such amazing friends who love me and my kids so much.  I was overwhelmed by the sweet friends and family who came and brought such amazing and much needed gifts for our little Harrison.  The delicious snacks and Olexa's cake made the afternoon even more perfect!

I had an OB visit on Monday to check on this boy.  They did an ultrasound, and as of right now, he is breech.  There is still time for him to turn, although at this point they are usually already head down so it does have me a little worried.  I want him to be delivered safest, but I am really hoping to not have a c section, so prayers that he turns would be appreciated!!

My BP looks good and he looks as good as can be, so it was a good visit other than the US part.  I have been having horrible back pain lately.  It's strange because it's my upper and middle back that hurt.  I am almost always uncomfortable.  Several nights I have contractions that are 3-5 minutes apart.  Some don't hurt, but some are quite painful.  I ended up at the MEU a couple of weeks ago, but luckily wasn't dilated at all.  I also have lots of heart burn.  According to Adam, I also complained about this with Caroline although I don't remember it being this bad.  According to the old wives tales this means he will have a head full of hair.  I am curious to see since C had a ton of hair and AP was bald.

I am tired a lot, but that comes with the territory of having two kids and being 8 months pregnant.  Thankfully I have not had much, if any, swelling.  Considering that it's the middle of the summer I am counting this as a huge win.  I am still loving sweets these days, but I am also craving lots of fruit and freezing cold water.

I am so anxious to meet our son.  Will he look like Caroline or like Ann Parker - or completely different?  Will he be outgoing and loud like Caroline or shy and quiet like Ann Parker?  It's amazing to think that in the next month or so we will be holding him in our arms.  This pregnancy has just flown by!!

We can't wait to meet our sweet baby boy!!

1 comment:

Rebecca Beers said...

Em!! So sorry I did not make it to the sprinkle - Suelin asked why I wasn't there, and I realized that I never got the evite!! Hate I couldn't make it to celebrate baby Harrison, but I can't wait to meet him! Love the Israels!