Monday, November 5, 2012

Halloween Fun!

We had such a wonderful Halloween this year!  This was the first year that Caroline was really into it - and it was Ann Parker's first so it was special all around.  We had a wonderful time at our Mama&Me Halloween party the day before Halloween.  It was a perfect excuse to get an extra wear out of their precious costumes.

Such a cold day!!  Luckily we had this little bear suit to keep her warm :)

Precious Pumpkin gets right to playing with her friends.

Mommy with her two sweet girls!

Of course she found the Mickey to play with.

After the party we headed to the McWane Center to check out the new Clifford exhibit.  Not Halloweeny, but still fun.

Caroline had her class party the next day.  She was sporting her super cute spider shirt.

She has a wonderful class with some sweet friends
Another cold day so we bundled her up.  Somehow she got called a boy twice this day and I cannot figure that out.  Do people dress boys in head to toe pink??

C and two of her favorite class friends.  They apparently do this all day long.  And I wonder why her clothes get torn up all the time??

Ready to hit the streets!

Proudly making her way to each house!

Caroline LOVED trick or treating!!  It took her a few houses to get the hang of it.  She kept wanting to go into the houses.  After she figured out that you get candy she was all over it.  Ann Parker spent the evening bundled up in the stroller.  I can't wait until next year - I will have two running around!! (and getting me candy to eat)

1 comment:

Anna Beam said...

the girls were too cute for Halloween. Lu gets mistaken for a boy when wearing pink also...I think it's the hair...or people just need glasses! ha