Monday, October 22, 2012

Six Months Old!!!

Six Months Old - October 20, 2012

Yesterday my sweet Ann Parker turned six months old.  A half a year has come and gone.  It feels like I just had her last week but also like she has been a part of our family forever.  She is such a wonderful little girl and we are having so much fun with her.  Every day Caroline will ask for "two girls" meaning she wants me to hold both of them and then she will reach over and hold AP's hand.  So sweet.  AP is still wearing size 1 diapers.  She fits into all of her 0-3 month clothes, but is also wearing things up to size 6 month.  We have her well check up this week so we will have stats then but I know she has grown a bunch!!  She is still eating 5 times a day (7, 10, 1, 4, 7) but is now also eating three meals a day!!!  She eats oatmeal mixed with fruit after her 7 am bottle (she's actually only had pears so far and she loves them), rice cereal after her 1 pm bottle, and rice cereal mixed with a veggie after her 7 pm bottle.  She is getting mostly breastmilk, but has had some formula mixed in lately.  She sleeps from 7:30-7:30.  She is no longer swaddled at night.  She will wear long pants/sleeves or footies with a sleep sack. 

She is not sitting up by herself yet, but she is getting there.  She still loves all the things from last month and is now getting into teethers and other fun toys.  I'm going to have to start carrying around all sorts of toys again!!  She seems to love grabbing hair, which isn't so fun. 

So far we have tried peas and pears and she's done a good job.  She didn't like peas alone, but will eat them mixed with rice cereal.  She is going to have sweet potatoes tomorrow and apples later week.  I am making all her food like I did with C. 

When C turned six months old, we traveled to Charlotte, NC (it was the day before Thanksgiving).  My whole family was there and we all gave her presents and celebrated.  For AP's six month birthday we spent the day at the BSC Homecoming game and after party.  It was a beautiful day and we loved strolling our girls around our old stompin grounds :)  We figured out that if they were to go there for college (this would really apply anywhere) that they would be the class of 2032 and 2034!!  C wore a button that said '32 on it!

Ann Parker loves when her daddy sings to her.  She just might be turning into a little daddy's girl.  She is still unsure about most new people.  She is a pretty happy and content baby. 

Happy 6 Month Birthday Ann Parker!!  We love you so much.  You are such a blessing and we are so thankful you are ours!  I still cannot believe that I got lucky enough to be chosen to be your mommy.  I am so in love with you little girl.


Kelley said...

Can I just reinterate the fact that she is fabulous?

Alli and Korey said...

Obsessed w that kangaroo costum !!! ADORABLE!!