Tuesday, May 1, 2012

One week!

Last Friday our new little baby turned one week old! It was a happy day because I was released from the hospital for the second time! (sadly I was readmitted for a third time because of this infection but hopefully we will finally be home soon!) It's so hard to believe it has already been one week! What an adventure you have had sweet girl! She had a weight check on her one week birthday and she was up to 5 lb - only 3 oz. away from birth weight. She is a wonderful eater and an even better sleeper. She will eat every couple of hours during the day but will only be up once through the night. After Caroline I am not holding my breath that it will always be like this, but it's a great way to start off!

She loves to be swaddled and thankfully Adam is the best swaddler ever. She wants to lift her head so badly. She wants to know everything that's going on! She is wearing preemie clothes and diapers but she will be out of them in no time! She is the sweetest little baby!

It's strange going from one child to two. I am not nervous about feeding her or changing her- I have that down. I always feel like I am forgetting something though. I worry that I am not taking enough pictures or I am not doing something for Ann Parker that I did for Caroline. If we have a third child one day I know that will be the case!!! I feel like I had so much time to devote to just Caroline and now I have to split my time. I just want to be the best mom I can to both my girls.

At times I still cannot believe she's here. There is so much waiting and anticipation leading up to the birth and then in the blink of an eye she is here, I am no longer pregnant, and life starts to take on a new "normal." I am so happy that Ann Parker is part of our new normal!


Cassie said...

OMG! Emily! You and these hospital visits! I can only fathem how hard it is for you to be away from your girls! God is blessing you with the sleeping schedule for now, he knows that you need and deserve some sort of break!

Kelley said...

I need to hold that baby again!!! She is SO cuddly and adorable!!
You know, Alli had the best advice to me when I felt so much "torness" bringing LA home-- your first child is born to a couple, 2 ppl who can care and dote on this one new baby--- a second, third, etc is born into a family and just falls into place. They get into the groove and never miss a beat. See you soon.
love, k