Friday, September 9, 2011

First Day of PDO

Today was Caroline's first day of Parent's Day Out! We have been so excited for this to start. She's only going to be going 1 day a week but maybe in the spring she'll be able to go 2 days.

I found the cutest little backpack and lunchbox for her. They make them bags which will be ready soon so she'll only be bringing the backpack to school for little while.

Everything has be labeled!

I made a sign for her to hold.

But the door mat was way more interesting...

At least she did like her backpack.

Quick picture with Daddy before he left for work!

I can't wait to see how she does! We had the option of walking them in on the first day or going through the car pool line. Since she'll have to go through the car pool line every other time, I opted to do that. I figured she wouldn't get as upset. When they came to get her out of the car, she didn't even cry! What a big girl!! She's been gone for 2 hours so far and I've vacuumed the rugs, swept the floor, did all the dishes, started a load of laundry, did 2 blog entries, watered the plants, and went through C's fall and winter clothes. I think I'm really going to like PDO...

1 comment:

Kelley said...

What a precious girl!!
Between her and Sydney, I see how big my girl is!!!
I also think I'll keep her at home until she begs for school like Huds did!!!