Tuesday, March 16, 2010

28 Weeks - Finally 3rd trimester!!

Today I am 28 weeks pregnant. I am now in the third trimester with only 12 weeks to go (if she stays in until her due date). I hope that the next few months go by super fast although I'm sure they won't... Caroline's been moving a lot lately. I think that she wants to hurry up and come out!! This week she weights about 2.25 pounds and is about 14 inches long. She will be doing a lot of growing in the coming weeks (which ultimately means that I will be doing a lot of growing too).

In other news, in honor of the start of the third trimester Adam and his brother cooked me a fabulous dinner. It was so nice to be able to relax and be served. If only it could be every night... Anyway, here are some 28 week belly pics.


Kelley said...

I love belly pics--relax and enjoy the 3rd trimester!

Corinna said...

SO CUTE! So excited!

Anonymous said...

you are adorable! congrats to you both - so happy i can keep up with you two now. hope you're happy and healthy. hugs,