Friday, September 26, 2014

One Month Old!

One Month Old - September 26, 2014

Wow!  It's hard to believe that one month has passed since this precious baby boy entered the world.  What a month it has been!!  He has grown and changed so much in this past month and it already seems like his birth was a lifetime ago.  He just fits so well into our family and he is the perfect addition!!

Sleep: During the day he does great!  He takes several long naps and has short little periods where he is awake and alert.  During the night...not so good.  He takes so long to eat, then needs a new diaper, and then I have to pump (not his fault) that I am up for about 2 1/2 hours during the night.  Luckily, he is only getting up once in the night or else I would be insane.

Eating:  He eats about 2 1/2 to 3 1/2 oz.every couple of hours during the day, with a few 3-4 hour stretches here and there and a 4 stretch at night.  At his two week appointment he weighed in at 6 lb. 8 oz. - almost a pound since his one week appointment!!  Because of that, we didn't have to go in for a one month check up and we won't go back until two months.  He is a great eater with very little spit up and I am so thankful!


Size:  He is wearing size newborn diaper but he will be in a one very soon.  He wears all newborn clothes but they are starting to get snug so we will be moving up on those soon too.  He is filling out and growing much faster than his sisters did.  I think he may be a big boy!

Likes/Dislikes: He likes to be held, especially when he gets to curl up on my chest.  He likes his rock n play sleeper and the boppy newborn lounger.  He tolerates his swing, the bath, and the car seat.  He doesn't really care for the bouncer, diaper changes, clothing changes, or being hungry.

Personality: He has a very laid back personality, which I think is typical of third children.  He sleeps where ever he can and through whatever noise there is.  

Big Moments: He is strong!!  He has been working on holding his head up a lot lately. three weeks old he ROLLED OVER!!  And it wasn't an accident.  He decided he hated tummy time so he pulled his legs in and just rolled over.  I thought it was a fluke so I kept putting him in the position I knew he didn't like and he kept on rolling over.

Sisters: The girls are totally obsessed with him and it melts my heart.  Both big sisters constantly tell him how cute he is and how much they love him.  I am so happy that they love him!

Happy one month birthday baby Harrison!!  What a wonderful and precious little boy you are!  This has been such a hard month, but also such an amazing month.  I wish I could stop time right in it's tracks and keep you this tiny forever.  You are the sweetest and easiest baby!  I love you with all my heart my sweet son.  Love, Mommy

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