Friday, September 26, 2014

First Bath

I pretty much love all things about newborns...seriously.  The only things I don't love are the sleepless nights and the umbilical cord.  I don't know why, but I found that black scabby thing so gross.  Luckily both girls lost theirs very quickly so I didn't have to deal with it that long.  Sweet Harrison kept his for a long three weeks and two days...yes, I am aware of exactly how long he had it.  I am aware because we weren't able to give him a "real" bath until it fell off.  We could do sponge baths or wipe him down, but you cannot submerge a baby until that yucky things falls off.  Three weeks and two boy was in dire need of bath!!  As soon as it fell off, we gave him his first bath.  He hated when I took off his jammies and diaper, but calmed down once he was in the warm water.  I wouldn't say he loved it, but he tolerated it.  He has had a couple more baths since and he seems to be warming up to them.  I can see lots of splashing in our future!!

I got out everything we needed for his first bath!!  I remember doing this for the girls...only everything was pink!

I cannot turn the picture :( but this how he felt about having to take a bath.

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