Monday, August 5, 2013

The things she says...

This time, this post isn't about Caroline - it's about Ann Parker!!  Her vocabulary has taken off full speed.  She picks up words so quickly that I can't keep up.

This morning, she pulled a bunch of dirt out of a potted plant.  She made a big mess and said, "uh-oh dirt!"  I didn't even know she knew the word dirt - or could string words together!

She lets me know every time she needs a new diaper.  She will either say, "pee pee" or will go and sit on C's potty and say, "pa-e"

She said "puppy" this morning.  She says doggy all the time, but today she distinguished between a big dog and a small puppy.  Genius.

She likes to cover things up with blankets and say "night-night" which sounds like "ni-ni"

She will say "guys, guys, guys" to get our attention.

She will point to candles, the stove, oven, etc. and say "hot"

I just cannot believe how quickly she is learning.  Literally, every day she says something that I know she didn't ever say before.  I'm talking about unprompted, not repeating things.  Like she actually has learned the word and uses it correctly.  I am just blown away by my little sponge!

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