Wednesday, August 7, 2013

I spoke too soon...

Just as I posted a list of the things my little Ann Parker has said, she felt like she needed to start speaking more to make my post obsolete.  She is really speaking big time, a lot more than Caroline did at 15 months!  Although once Caroline got the hang of it, she never slowed down ;)

Last night Adam asked AP "what's this" while holding up her paci.  She responded with, "that's a papi!" She calls pa-pi for paci.  She said this little sentence clear as a bell!

She will ask "help" when she needs something.  It's adorable.  

She also "no no sish (what she calls Caroline) that mine!" Cannot believe she is speaking in little sentences.

Now, Caroline just cannot be outdone by her little sis so here are some funny things she has said lately:

AP picked up a bag a dog food.  It was a small bag and not very heavy, but if you are only one it is a little big.  Caroline took it from her and said, "allow me."  It was so cute.

When asked how to spell her name, she said "E I kitty kitty"

I told her it was bedtime the other night and she started laughing and said, "oh no thank you."

She loves writing songs.  Her new one of the week: Kiki I miss you Kiki. You can count on me. 

She is just as sweet as can be.  I often hear her say completely unprompted "I love you so much Ann Parker." I just know they will grow up and be besties like mommy and Kiki!

She has now decided she is going to have a baby brother named Asher.  She decided this right after her cousin Asher came to play.  When I told her that there was already an Asher in the family and we would have to pick a different name one day she said, "it's MY baby and I will him Asher."  Not sure she grasps how this will all happen...  

My girls are so funny and I love all the little things they say!

1 comment:

Kelley said...

"allow me"...that is freaking hysterical.