Friday, February 17, 2012

Valentine's Day 2012

I never really cared about Valentine's Day until I had Caroline. Now I just love it!! We celebrated for days. A little excessive? Maybe. But totally fun? Of course! We started on the Thursday before Valentine's Day with the Mama & Me Party. Caroline loved seeing all her friends (and I did too). There was lots of yummy food and the kids gave each other sweet Valentines. I didn't take any pictures of the all the cuteness, but here's a picture of the Valentine's she passed out.

On Monday, Caroline had her class party. She refused to wear the cute pink outift I had picked out. I gave it to her to hold and in protest she put it in Daisy's water bowl. Maybe it wasn't protest and just looked like fun... Either way, she was the only kid rocking blue that day. She was also the only kid who wouldn't sit down to eat lunch. She wanted to run around the room like a wild woman!!

Adam and I took C out to dinner that night to the Club. She had so much looking at the lights and the fountain. When we came home we gave her gifts. She got a Count and Learn Cookie jar (so cute, but sooooo annoying), a new plate, and a sweet book.

On Tuesday (Valentine's Day) night, Adam and I went to a grown up dinner at Satterfield's. The food was great and we enjoyed a child free conversation. Valentine's Day was our first official date back in 2004 :) Adam surprised me with Ugg house shoes and I got him a massage.

I am so thankful that I got to spend the day(s) with my two Valentine's!!

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