Friday, February 10, 2012

Holy Moly...28 Weeks (Almost 29!!!)

In just a few days I will be 29 weeks pregnant. Only 11 more weeks until the due date and considering C was 3 weeks early and my doctor seems to think this rather large little girl will be coming early as well, I only have a short time to finish getting everything together!! Yikes! I have started getting a little (or a lot...)panicked lately.

The nursery is painted and about 99% of the furniture is in there. Adam's parents are bringing us a custom made bookcase/storage unit soon and then we'll have everything in there. All I have left to get for the room is a lamp. We have everything else (or it has been ordered) but nothing has been set up yet. Caroline's room has not been painted nor is any of the furniture in there except for the bed. She's currently sleeping in the crib in the nursery until we can get her room done. I feel like nothing is organized and it's driving me nuts. Also, I'm worried that we'll have to borrow another crib for C. I keep going back and forth as to whether or not I think she's ready for a big girl bed. I've also been stressing about having enough baby stuff. We got rid of so much from Caroline. Her onesies and gowns got so stained from spit up that we tossed a lot of them. I am having a couple of baby sprinkles so I have told myself to wait and see what I get at those, but patience isn't really a strong point of mine so I've been freaking out that we aren't ready for her today.

Pregnancy hormones have gotten the best of me lately. I have been snapping at Adam and Caroline for such small things. I've also been crying a lot. Not just little crying, hysterical crying. The other night Adam and I were getting into bed. He has been preparing for a trial at work so he's had a lot to do and a lot of late nights at the office. He's been so stressed that he had a tension headache. He said, "If I die of an aneurysm I want you to know that I love you." I'm a sensitive person and I don't deal with death talk that well so I normally would have gotten a little teary eyed and said something along the lines of "Don't talk like that." However, my super emotional response was to break out in crazy hysterical tears. I cried so hard that my nose started bleeding. I've never seen it bleed that much. I got blood all over the comforter, sheets, mattress pad, my face and arms, my pajamas, and Adam. I couldn't stop crying so it just kept gushing. Poor Adam didn't know what to do. It took about an hour before I was calm enough to lay down and go to sleep.

I had my blood glucose test this week and I failed it! I failed the first time around with Caroline but passed on the 3 hour test, so let's hope that this pregnancy is the same. I go back in a week to take the long test.

I've started to get that lovely black line down the middle of my belly. It's so strange!! I have found that if I stand up for long periods of time my feet start to swell. I've had a little bit of heartburn, but nothing too terrible. So far this pregnancy is going well and I couldn't be happier!

iPhone picture of 27 week belly

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