Friday, February 3, 2012

Rainy Wednesday (and a few others)

Wednesday was a yucky, rainy day so after an early doctor's appointment Caroline and I decided to put on some comfy clothes and stay inside and play. She was quite the busy little bee! We started off doing lots and lots of puzzles.

Then she got to cooking. I'm so glad that Santa brought the play kitchen!

Anyone want some french fries or dusting mits??

After taking a break for some real cooking (and eating) we got to playing. It was time for stickers. Oh how this girl loves stickers!

Nothing better than snuggling up in mommy and daddy's bed to watch some Mickey Mouse.

Daisy got some snuggling time in as well.

This isn't from our rainy day, this is from Thursday. I've been putting Caroline in the shower with me lately. Bending down to bathe her in the bath is getting harder and harder for me. I figured that she was missing all her fun bath toys so I opted for the bath last night. Turns out she didn't really care about the toys...she did miss splashing though!

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