Friday, February 18, 2011

Quiet Time

My house is very quiet. Adam worked from home today and he's finishing up some stuff in the living room. Our very lazy Daisy is curled up on the couch sleeping. Caroline is also sleeping (and has been for most of the day) in my bed with me. Why has she been sleeping all day? My sweet baby has her first ear infection. In her almost nine months of life, this is the first time she's been really sick. She's had the sniffles here and there - but nothing big and nothing that required medicine. She hasn't wanted to eat anything since yesterday morning and she just wants to be held all the time. This is quite a change from my usual big eater who wants to crawl around and explore by herself. Luckily we got to see her doctor this morning. Hopefully some rest and antibiotics will make her feel better soon!! I don't like having the house this quiet...

I am using this time wisely however and planning her FIRST birthday party!! How can this be happening?? Why am I planning a birthday party when I feel like I just had a baby? I have found the invitations and party favors that I am going to order. I have some great ideas for decorations that I can't wait to get started on. I'm not ready for my baby to be a one year old, but since it's coming we might as well celebrate big!!!

1 comment:

On Broadway said...

So she DID have an ear infection! She will be feeling better in no time! Glad you have a quiet house.