Thursday, February 17, 2011

Adventures in eating

Caroline is quite the little eater. She pretty much eats whatever I give with her when it comes to food. I still make about 90% of her food (the other 10% being her rice cereal and oatmeal and I also use store bought food when we go out for a meal). She really hasn't turned anything away although somethings she certainly does like more than others. Her favorite things right now are any flavor yogurt, sweet potatoes (or any combination that includes them), pear and blueberry together, and zucchini.

Caroline enjoying lunch at our playdate yesterday (yes, bad mommy forgot the bib). She was so inspired by the dots on her dress that she wanted one on her head.

Caroline does not like eating the Gerber puffs or crunchies or anything like that. She'll put them in her mouth and then spit them out. I bought Baby Mum-Mums to see if she liked that. I figured that since they were bigger and she could hold onto it she would like it more. Wrong. In fact, at one point Daisy took it out of her hands and Caroline clapped her hands!!

After a day of such messy eating, it's always nice to settle into a nice bath to get clean!


Starr said...

the bath time pictures are too cute! Love the spiked hair!

The Real Candid Corker said...

She is such a happy baby! You are blessed to have such a great family. oxox

Hillary said...

Glad to know you make most of her food. I'm planning to do the same, but like to know it's a realistic plan! I don't know if you read it already, but check out for some baby/toddler friendly recipes. I know she has a few for different crackers and cookies.

Megan said...

Her hair is getting so red! SO cute.

On Broadway said...

Those tub pictures are awesome!!