Friday, February 4, 2011

Newest Discovery

Caroline has discovered Daisy's bowls! She's not too interested in the dog food (yet) but she likes the noise they make when she pushes them around. She's crawled by them several times and never seemed to notice until yesterday.

Poor Daisy. Caroline seems to take all her things. She's such a good sport about it though!!


Tara & Johhny said...

jack was a little too interested in pete's bowls! it was so annoying because he would pour out his water all the time. he even broke one of them. hopefully she won't do that!

Jared and Elizabeth said...

Ha! That's too funny. I can't believe how big C is! Lila likes to get into bowls when we visit her grandparents. Unfortunately, she's interested in the food too!

Adam and Emily said...

I'm hoping she doesn't start getting into the food, but who knows! She's poured out the water of couple of times too. Who knew bowls were so fun? haha