Thursday, February 24, 2011

Nine Months Old!!!

Nine Months Old - February 23, 2011

Yesterday my little girl turned nine months old! This time last year I spent my time working on her nursery and daydreaming about the sweet little baby that would soon be coming. This year - I'm working on birthday party plans but I don't have time for anything else since she's always into everything!! She certainly keeps us busy! Since she has been sick and on medication, her nine month checkup has been delayed until March 7th, so we don't have stats until then. Last week when I took her to the doctor she weighed 17 lbs. At nine months old she can wave about 70% of the time, she can "pat" (like pat her leg or the dog), she knows our voices and will crawl to find us, she pulls up on everything, she walks holding on to things, she stands for a few seconds on her own!!!, and she said her first recognition word (see next post for that story)!! She can say "mama" and "dada" very clearly, but she hasn't assigned them to us yet but we suspect that will be happening very soon. She is the happiest baby I've ever met and also the sweetest. She is such a wonderful eater and we're working on her self feeding. It's going slow but we know she'll get there! She's tried black beans, avocados, bananas, and cheese so far. She'll get them to her mouth but then spits them out unless we mash it up and feed it to her on a spoon. I cannot believe that my little girl is already nine months old!!!

Happy nine months Caroline!! I have now had you for longer than I carried you. I felt like I was pregnant forever!! I just couldn't wait for you to get here. The past nine months have gone by so fast, but I know that we have taken advantage of every second with you. You are a dream come true!! I look forward to your little hugs and kisses each day. I love you so so much and I am so proud to be your mommy!

1 comment:

Kelley said...

Love the window pic w that sweet face!!!