Saturday, January 16, 2010

Registering (and the few purchases we made along the way)

Today Adam and I went all over Birmingham putting together baby registries. It was so fun - and so exhausting!! We had no idea that babies needed (I use that term loosely) so much stuff! We registered at Swaddle in Homewood, Once Upon a Time in Crestline Village and Pottery Barn Kids. We have yet to conquer Babies R Us but we'll eventually get there :) We looked at about a million onesies, gowns, swaddle blankets, bibs, burp cloths, slings and diaper bags. We did find some really great things though. We learned that the "must have" item for babies is the Sophie the Giraffe toy. We're not sure what is actually is or why babies love it - but every place we went told us that they sell out of them faster than they care order more.

Regardless, we don't want our child to be without the "must have" item - so we registered for the crazy thing.

We also took advantage of all the great sales that were going on. We hit up BabyGap and Once Upon a Time and found some of the cutest little things!! We found this adorable red dress at Once Upon a Time and we're going to have the Alabama "A" monogrammed on it. It will be perfect for football season!!!

At Baby Gap we hit the sales BIG time. I got two adorable dresses that will fit her next fall/winter, one little shirt and one long sleeved/pants onesie thing (not sure when she'd wear it...but it has a hood that has bear ears so I figured why not??) They were all marked down and then there was an additional 40% off so we did very well!! I wanted to get so much more - but I had to draw the line somewhere!!

We also enjoyed lunch off the new menu at Zoes - which was great. We took advantage of the sale at White Barn Candle company and got more Wallflowers and soap. If you haven't ever tried the Wallflowers you are seriously missing out. Nothing makes your house smell better and more home-y. I'm pretty much obsessed. We got a couple of baby name books to help us in the naming process. After our long day, we're going to grab some take out and relax and look for names!!


Kelley said...

So much fun-- if you can find them, look for size rings to use in her closet, like they have on clothing racks in stores-- I used some for Hudson's closet and they really made things easy to find since I buy sizes ahead-- I got mine on eBay

Adam Israel said...

Kelley...that makes so much sense! I had never thought of that, but then again I don't really know why I would have. Thanks.

Cassie said...

So glad that your child will not be laughed at for not having the "must have" Sophie the Giraffe toy. Too funny, I love it!

Candice Reyes said...

I love the little flannel shirt! When I am babysitting, I am totally dressing your baby like a little hipster. Love you! See you tomorrow!