Tuesday, January 12, 2010


It's time to start buying all things pink!!! Adam and I found out this morning that we are going to have a daughter!! Everything looks perfect at this point - she's the perfect weight, length, etc. and we couldn't be more thrilled. Although I must say I had a fleeting moment of disappointment that it wasn't a boy (everyone wants things exactly as they had it and I have a big brother so I always thought that my girls needed a big brother too). But once the reality set it that I was actually having a girl the excitedness hit!! I can't wait to start shopping for all the cute girl clothes, ballet shoes, hair bows, and other cute things that come with having a girl. Now it's time for the fun part...names and nursery!!!! Thank Heaven for little girls!


Rebecca said...

Yay!!!! Congrats on the little girl!

Kelley said...

Yes, a girl can be overwhelming-- with Hudson it's been like only 5 cute things to choose from and with planning for Lois Anne, it's like 5,000 cute things!