Friday, September 26, 2014

One Month Old!

One Month Old - September 26, 2014

Wow!  It's hard to believe that one month has passed since this precious baby boy entered the world.  What a month it has been!!  He has grown and changed so much in this past month and it already seems like his birth was a lifetime ago.  He just fits so well into our family and he is the perfect addition!!

Sleep: During the day he does great!  He takes several long naps and has short little periods where he is awake and alert.  During the night...not so good.  He takes so long to eat, then needs a new diaper, and then I have to pump (not his fault) that I am up for about 2 1/2 hours during the night.  Luckily, he is only getting up once in the night or else I would be insane.

Eating:  He eats about 2 1/2 to 3 1/2 oz.every couple of hours during the day, with a few 3-4 hour stretches here and there and a 4 stretch at night.  At his two week appointment he weighed in at 6 lb. 8 oz. - almost a pound since his one week appointment!!  Because of that, we didn't have to go in for a one month check up and we won't go back until two months.  He is a great eater with very little spit up and I am so thankful!


Size:  He is wearing size newborn diaper but he will be in a one very soon.  He wears all newborn clothes but they are starting to get snug so we will be moving up on those soon too.  He is filling out and growing much faster than his sisters did.  I think he may be a big boy!

Likes/Dislikes: He likes to be held, especially when he gets to curl up on my chest.  He likes his rock n play sleeper and the boppy newborn lounger.  He tolerates his swing, the bath, and the car seat.  He doesn't really care for the bouncer, diaper changes, clothing changes, or being hungry.

Personality: He has a very laid back personality, which I think is typical of third children.  He sleeps where ever he can and through whatever noise there is.  

Big Moments: He is strong!!  He has been working on holding his head up a lot lately. three weeks old he ROLLED OVER!!  And it wasn't an accident.  He decided he hated tummy time so he pulled his legs in and just rolled over.  I thought it was a fluke so I kept putting him in the position I knew he didn't like and he kept on rolling over.

Sisters: The girls are totally obsessed with him and it melts my heart.  Both big sisters constantly tell him how cute he is and how much they love him.  I am so happy that they love him!

Happy one month birthday baby Harrison!!  What a wonderful and precious little boy you are!  This has been such a hard month, but also such an amazing month.  I wish I could stop time right in it's tracks and keep you this tiny forever.  You are the sweetest and easiest baby!  I love you with all my heart my sweet son.  Love, Mommy

First Bath

I pretty much love all things about newborns...seriously.  The only things I don't love are the sleepless nights and the umbilical cord.  I don't know why, but I found that black scabby thing so gross.  Luckily both girls lost theirs very quickly so I didn't have to deal with it that long.  Sweet Harrison kept his for a long three weeks and two days...yes, I am aware of exactly how long he had it.  I am aware because we weren't able to give him a "real" bath until it fell off.  We could do sponge baths or wipe him down, but you cannot submerge a baby until that yucky things falls off.  Three weeks and two boy was in dire need of bath!!  As soon as it fell off, we gave him his first bath.  He hated when I took off his jammies and diaper, but calmed down once he was in the warm water.  I wouldn't say he loved it, but he tolerated it.  He has had a couple more baths since and he seems to be warming up to them.  I can see lots of splashing in our future!!

I got out everything we needed for his first bath!!  I remember doing this for the girls...only everything was pink!

I cannot turn the picture :( but this how he felt about having to take a bath.

Thursday, September 25, 2014


Life lately according to my phone...

We have been sleeping (at least some of have been...),

Loving on our new addition,

Celebrating scoring goals,

Scoring goals,

Going to the VHHS/MBHS football game,

Cheering for Bama,

And having lots of fun play dates!

Hopefully tomorrow I can update the blog!

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Harrison's birth story part two

Another long one...

When I ended part one, I had just held Harrison after he was born.  Shortly after, he got bundled up and slept soundly in his bassinet.  The girls were born at 4:03 and 4:35 in the afternoon, but because of whatever meds I got I was so out of it and slept pretty much right after delivery until the next morning.  This time, I felt great! I was awake - and so ready for some food and water! Adam went to get us dinner and I literally downed three of those huge cups of water in about 15 minutes.  It was great.  While Adam was gone, I noticed that Harrison was cold.  His lips kept turning blue and so did the palms of his hands.  I called one of the nurses in the nursery.  She came to check him out right away.  She decided to bring him upstairs to be checked and would bring him back down once he was done.  Right about then Adam came in with our food.  We ate and then laid down to try to get some rest.

As I was dozing off, a doctor came in and explained that Harrison was having trouble keeping his temperature up and he had a couple of desats, which is low oxygen in the blood.  His glucose level was low too.  Because of that, they would be taking him to the RNICU.  I cried.  I was still hooked up to machines and my baby was going to the RNICU and I couldn't go see him.  He was only hours old.  Adam went right then.  He came back and said he was okay and sleeping well.  Since there was nothing I could do, I slept too - but not well.  I was feeling the pain from the delivery and version more and more and all I could think about was my several hours old baby who wasn't with me.

At some point during the night, my blood pressure dropped - by a significant amount.  When it comes to my kids, I want to know everything about them medically.  When it comes to myself, I find that ignorance is bliss.  I felt weak and tired but didn't think much of it.  A couple of doctors came in and were whispering with the nurses while Adam slept and I pretended to.  They started some IV medicine to keep my blood pressure up.  I didn't ask any questions, but they seemed serious.  After that I didn't sleep at all.

The next morning, several doctors came in and told me that because of the hemorrhage after the delivery I had lost a lost of blood.  The fluid change caused my blood pressure to drop.  They said I needed to get some blood.  Once again, I cried.  Seriously??!?!!  Of course this would happen to me.  Obviously I wasn't going to see Harrison now.  The resident that told me i needed blood was so sweet, but all I heard was the risk of infections such as HIV and hepatitis.  I tried to decline the blood, but thankfully Adam was there to convince me otherwise.  I got the blood and it went by quickly.  I thought that when that was done I would be able to get up.  Not so...I remained on the blood pressure medicine for the rest of the day.  I was devastated.  I just wanted to get up and see my baby but I couldn't. 

That afternoon it was time for what I was looking forward to the most...when the girls came to meet their brother.  It was not how I imagined this moment at all - baby in the RNICU and mom hooked to the bed.  Luckily they brought Harrison to our room so they could see him.  I couldn't get up to take pictures so I don't have a single one of my babies and me.  Stupid blood pressure.  He got to stay in the room with us for about 40 minutes and I got to hold him for a while, so that was good.  

That evening, some of my favorite friends came to visit me.  I am so lucky to have these friends.  After my long day of feeling sad from being attached to IV's and missing my baby, they came and made me smile.  I love them.

The next morning was Thursday.  By mid day, Harrison was discharged from the RNICU and I was off the IV's.  It was a great day.  We all had to stay one more day to make sure my blood pressure stayed stable.  As we were getting the check out vitals on Friday, the nurse said my temperature said 100.  She took it again with a different thermometer and it was 98.  We didn't think anything of it.  We were so ready to go home and be with our girls.  As we were getting ready to go, the pediatrician came in and said she set up an appointment with an ENT to do a frenulectomy right away...and also told us that Harrison's bili level was up and so she had also contacted home health people to come set up the lights at our house.  What a bummer...but at least we were headed home.  The frenulectomy was fast and we were home before we knew it.  We all rested and went to bed early that night.  I kept saying that I was cold.  I woke up in the middle of the night a few times - sometimes I was sweating and sometimes I was freezing.  I knew this feeling.  I was feverish.  Damn.  The next morning I called a friend who is a doctor and asked at what temperature I needed to call in for.  I did indeed have a fever. I cried again...a theme over the next few days.  

Off to the MEU I go...thanks to the help of my amazing friends.  Adam was in a conference so Jenny picked up my kids and me.  She brought the kiddos to Rebecca's house and then took me to the hospital.  Once there, they broke the news...IV antibiotics.  Cue the crying, again.  Harrison got to stay with me at the hospital, which was wonderful to have that time with him although I missed my girls like crazy.  Thankfully, the home health nurse called and said Harrison could come off the lights! 

Finally on Monday, I got to go home.  Almost one week after I had my baby and after a total of 8 nights in the hospital, I went home and have been here very night since!  Yay! It was a crazy, emotional, wonderful, terrifying, experience and I am so thankful to be home with my beautiful baby boy! 

Monday, September 8, 2014

We made it!

Last Wednesday was the first day that I had all three kids home alone by myself.  While it wasn't an exciting day and Caroline was at school, which helped me out, we all survived.  I got a one week old, a sick toddler, and a four year old dressed and packed and out the door in time for carpool.  We were actually the FIRST car there.  Winning already. After drop off, I took the other two to the pediatrician - Harrison for his one week well visit and Ann Parker for a sick visit.  

We spent the afternoon at home watching movies and snuggling on the couch.  AP was too sick to do anything else and I was too tired and overwhelmed as well.  I still call it a successful day.  I am looking forward to things feeling more normal! 

First Day of School 2014

Last Wednesday, September 3rd, was the first day of school.  Caroline is starting 4K preschool at TCDC and has Ms. Sherry.  She will be going Monday through Friday this year.  This is her last year of preschool before she heads to elementary school next year.  I am so excited for her, but also so sad.  How is my baby this old??  Didn't I just hold my first baby in my arms at the hospital?  She is loving it though, so I am thankful and happy because of that.  She is so smart and ready to take 4K by storm!

Ann Parker woke up with a high fever around midnight, so she missed the entire first week of school.  She is in the two year old class with Ms. Marcia and Ms. Barbara (the same teachers that Caroline had at that age).  She will be going Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.  I remember bringing her in the pumpkin seat to that class for parties and now I will be bringing Harrison in the pumpkin seat while she in the one having the parties!!  Time is going by too fast.  Today was her first day since she is just now back to feeling better.  I cannot wait to see how her day was.

The girls meet their little brother

Since Harrison was born at 7:38 PM and it took a while before he and I were ready for visitors, the girls did not come to meet him until Wednesday.  He had to be in the RNICU so the meeting was a little bittersweet for me.  The girls came in and then the nurse wheel the little covered bed into the room. He had monitors and an IV attached to him.  Although as minor as it could be, it was still heartbreaking to see my baby like that.  Ann Parker's first question when she saw him was "can he walk?" It certainly helped lighten the mood!

They were both smitten with him, although a little cautious.  Caroline was nervous that she would hurt him.  They both kept saying how cute he was.  It was so precious.  Another sad part of the day...I was still hooked up to IV's and monitors so I couldn't get out of bed.  I will post the part 2 of the birth story so those gaps will be filled in.  Despite the monitors and IV's on baby H and I, it was still wonderful to have all our babies in one room.  I am so in love with these little people and their daddy.  

It was also the first time I got to hold him since right after he was born.  I look horrible, but it was one of the greatest moments so I don't even care.

Tuesday, September 2, 2014


Harrison Kent Israel

August 26, 2014
7:38 pm
5 lb 15.4 oz
19.5 inches