Friday, September 21, 2012

Caroline's "Comfort Team"

Caroline has reached the stage where she love stuffed animals and dolls.  Love is really an understatement - she is obsessed.  She will not go to bed without her friends.  We have been joking around and calling them her "Comfort Team."  We make sure to keep up with all the team members so there's no chance of meltdowns each night.  If she wakes up the middle of the night she will seriously go down the list, "Where's Mickey? Where's Pono?  Where's Lubby? Where's Sheep?" What a sweet little girl!

Introducing the "team":

Mickey (he gets the spot of honor on the left side).  Caroline goes next to him.

Lovey "lubby", sheep, Stella "Stello", Cordoroy, Pony "Pono", Baby, and Baby Hat

Ann Parker tries oatmeal...

...or the one where the baby gets mad...

I decided to give AP oatmeal on her five month "birthday."  What a treat, right??  I knew she would be confused and probably wouldn't know what to do - but I didn't know it would make her mad!!  She ate some of it like a little trooper, but this girl wasn't too pleased. 

Let's get this party started.

What is that?!?!?

I don't think I like it...

Nope, coming out...


Didn't you learn that I was just going to spit it out?


I said I didn't like it!!!!

Get away crazy people with the yucky stuff!

I would rather take my clothes off and write on myself with Caroline!!  (Never leave a toddler unattended...even for a minute)

Reliving the glory days

Caroline loves having a baby sister around - it gives her a chance to relive her infancy!  I truly believe that she is the bouncer, rocker, exersaucer, bumbo, etc. more than Ann Parker is!!

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Five Months Old!!!

Five Months Old - September 20, 2012

Tomorrow my baby will be 5 months old!  It's so hard to believe that we are only a month away from half a year, but it also seems like she has been a part of our family forever.  She is the sweetest little thing and is so adored by all of us.  She hardly ever cries, and when she does she is either hungry or tired.  She gives the best wet kisses.  She is finally sleeping in her crib!  She stayed in the bassinet in her room for about a week and a half and when we put her in the crib she did great!  She has woken up a couple of times when she has lost her paci, but goes back to sleep almost instantly after we put it back in her mouth.  She still only takes short little cat naps throughout the day, but if that works for her then it works for me!

She eats 4-5 oz. at each feeding every three hours (7, 10, 1, 4,7).  She usually naps around 8:30 am and then again around 2:00.  She has not started "solid" foods yet, but we are going to try some oatmeal this week.  After she masters oatmeal and rice cereal, we will start fruits and veggies - hopefully around 6 months!  So exciting!!!  (and messy!)  She is still comfortably in a size 1 diaper.  Her onesies and sleepers are 0-3 months but she's starting to fit nicely into 3-6 month sizes.  Her hair is getting a little thicker and it looks like it is coming in blonde!  It is much lighter than C's hair at this age. 

She loves her paci, swing, "standing" up, her play gym, Daisy, Caroline, her exersaucer, mirrors, bath time, and being carried in the Baby Bjorn.  I'm thinking about getting another carrier that is easier on my back since she loves it so much!

She doesn't show a preference between Adam and me.  As long as one of us is holding her, then she's good.  She doesn't like new people holding very much and will scream and cry until she is back in our arms!  Caroline didn't mind other people holding her this much.  Not sure if that is a personality difference, or just that C saw people more often.  We couldn't keep grandparents away after we had Caroline!  With Ann Parker, she has only been around each set just a handful of times. She loves Caroline and always gives the biggest smiles when she sees her sister.  I think the feeling is mutual :)  Caroline loves to "check baby" every night and asks where she is each morning.  I can't wait to watch them grow into best friends.

She loves when we read to her or when we sing.  One of her favorites is Itsy Bitsy Spider - and you have to do the hand motions to get a big smile!  Another favorite song is Somewhere Over the Rainbow.  I know I don't have the greatest voice, but I sure do love singing to my baby.  I usually put her to bed awake and she can put herself to sleep, but if she has some trouble I will rock her for a minute and sing and she will drift right to sleep. 

Happy 5 months sweet girl!  We love you more than you will ever know.  I am so thankful that I have the chance to be your mommy!

She loves her piggies!

Big girl in her crib!

She has also been loving on Sofie lately.

Getting ready for school

Here are a few pictures of my sweet Caroline before school today.  She really is loving school this year and that makes me so happy!  Three mornings a week is perfect for C, but this mama misses her little girl! 

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

My Caroline

My Caroline is one funny little girl!  She always keeps me laughing and I want to remember all these funny little moments with my precious little girl.

After picking C up from school:
C: My tummy hurts.
Me.: Oh no.  Your tummy hurts.
C: Yes.  And my pockets are scared.
Me: What?
C: Uh-huh.  And my eye hurts.
Me: Where did all these boo boos come from.
C: Siiiiiiigh. The BOO BOOS!!!
She then kisses her hands and then touches her tummy and her eye.
Still not sure about the scared pockets...

About 5 hours after seeing one of her friends:
C:  {sad face}
Me: What's wrong?
C:  Sydney's sad.
Me:  Why is Sydney sad?
C: She needs me.

Adam got a babysitter so we could go out for my birthday.  When I told her that Miss Madelyn was coming she said, "Pizza?"
I guess I've ordered pizza for her and her babysitters a lot...

Oh Caroline!!  What a funny little thing!

Happy Birthday!

Yesterday I turned 28.  What a great day it was!!  Caroline was home from school so I got to spend all day with my two favorite girls (three counting Daisy).  After breakfast we headed to Wee Flip so C could take a sample gymnastics class.  Epic fail.

I forgot sometimes that she is only two so sitting still and waiting her turn isn't an easy feat.  I was mortified at her behavior and just knew that the other parents were thinking what a bad kid she was!!  After we left and I calmed down, I remembered that she IS only two and she's completely normal.  She'll get there one day so I should enjoy the wild and crazy that comes along with her at two.

After gymnastics we spent some time at the library before heading to the dentist.  Silly me planned a dentist appointment for myself on my birthday.  The best thing was that every minute or so C would pop in the room (they had an area for the kids to play), climb up on my lap and say "great job mama." 

We came home to play and relax.  This little girl is getting so big and she's now able to start "playing."  She's become a pro at holding things and has even been sitting in her exersaucer!!  Her little feet don't touch the floor so it's probably a little too soon but she still seemed to like it!

My sweet Adam took care of getting a babysitter and making dinner reservations at GianMarco's for the two of us.  Perfect dinner to end a perfect day.

27 was a great year for me and I can't wait to see what 28 brings!!! 

Thursday, September 6, 2012

First Day of PDO 2012

Yesterday was Caroline's first day of PDO 2012-2013.  Her teachers are Ms. Marcia and Ms. Barbara.  The night before we laid out clothes, shoes, backpack, lunch box, etc. to get ready.

They will be maing bags again this year so we are using the owl until they are done.

We got dressed and ate some yummy pancakes, C's favorite (although her face says otherwise...)

What does this thing say??

Ok, I guess I will let you take my picture.

Here, you take it.

She kept saying, "That way, that way."  That was away from school...not happening

Thumbs up if you are ready for school!!  Ok, index finger up works too.

Her index finger up was a little less enthusiastic the closer we got in the carpool line.

Out of order, C before we left.
Caroline cried when the teacher came and got her.  She normally doesn't cry so I had the director go and check on her.  Ms. Kim called me at 10:00 and said, "Caroline is sitting at the head of the big girl table eating snack and smiling."  When I picked her up she said, "So fun!"  We had milkshakes last night to celebrate.  I am so thankful for a great day and am so exciting to see what wonderful things she will learn this year.

Look how little she was on the first day last year!

More fun before school

Last Friday we had a fun playdate with the Nations boys!  All morning C kept saying, "Where my friends?"  It was so cute and they all had a great time.  Caroline's great grandmother's (Mama Lou) maiden name was Nation so we are hoping that Caroline marries one of these little boys and there can be another Israel/Nations wedding! :)  This mama had a great time too, so I didn't take any pictures. 

Friday night was a big night in the Israel house.  AP slept in her crib for the first time!!  She is 4.5 months old and it's time.  She sleeps through the night so why does she need to stay in our room?  At least that's what I thought.  She woke up a few times the night we moved her.  For three very long nights I was up many times.  AP would wake up and cry and that would wake up Caroline.  I moved her back to our room to see if that was the reason or if it was something else.  It must have been moving beds because she hasn't woken up at night back in the bassinet.  We are moving the bassinet into her room tonight and are going to try a more gradual transition.  Oh well...  Here is AP waking up from her first night in the crib!!  Big girl!

The fun continued on Saturday!  It was the first Alabama game of the season.  We had some friends come over to watch the game and hang out.  We had a ton of food and all ate way too much - even Caroline.  That little girl LOVES ribs!!  I think we heard, "More ribs, more ribs" for hours!

She has started saying "Roll Tide" and shaking the shakers and it's so cute!!  We were so happy with a 41-14 win.  Roll Tide!!!

Sunday Caroline went to Sunday School for the first time.  I had Adam drop her off and he said that she cried :(  She ended up having a great time, like we knew she would.  Pictures to come later.

The rest of Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday was spent relaxing, eating, watching movies, playing, and enjoying the last little bit of time before school started. 

And that brings us to Wednesday...stay tuned!!