Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Twenty three months old!!!

Twenty three months old-April 20, 2012

This is the last monthly post before Caroline will be two years old. I said I would stop the monthly posts at two. I will miss doing it each month but I know I will still do some updates!!

This was a big month for C. Most notably, she became a big sister!! She is the sweetest thing with Ann Parker. There are certainly moments of jealousy and plenty of tantrums, but it's a huge life change so that is all to be expected.

Caroline has become more and more vocal as the days go by. She speaks in some basic sentences and can get her point across. We are all thankful that this is happening. Her favorite word is "no" which she says even when she means yes. Other favorite words ate daddy, ice, teeth, shoe, and wee wee (swing). I can only assume they are favorites because she says them about a million times each day!!

She is a great eater. She has a sweet tooth like her mama, but she loves a ton of fruits and veggies. Recently we discovered that edamame is a favorite. She will try most things that we give her so that makes dinner time much easier!

She is still in size 4 diapers and wears anywhere from 12 month to 2t clothes. She's super skinny and super long! She wears a size 7 shoe, which looks so big to me!! Speaking of shoes, she is a little obsessed! We are going to be spending a fortune in the future on shoes for her. I can see lots of fun shopping trips in future! I love it!! I am not sure Adam will...

She has been sleeping so well in her big girl bed. She has only gotten out a couple of times in the middle of the night but overall she has sleep well. I am glad we made the transition when we did. It was time. She looks so tiny in the bed though!

When she wakes up in the morning she always wants to snuggle with Adam and then eat breakfast in our bed. When I got to be huge pregnant and was exhausted all the time it was so easy to turn on Mickey Mouse and grab her food. She was so content for the next 30 minutes and usually that's all I would need to be ready to get up. Now that I have more energy (not so much energy- just an infant that requires more active attention) she doesn't understand why she can't eat in my bed everyday.

She is doing great in school and we are looking forward to more days in the fall. She loves her teachers and all her friends. She still loves being outside- running, swinging, strolling, jumping on the trampoline, or playing with bubbles, she loves anything and everything outside! She says outside like "ow-sigh" which sounds so adorable from her little mouth!

She has such a funny personality and is such a joy in our lives. She is so smart and loving and just a perfect little Caroline!

Happy 23 months little girl. I cannot believe that this time 2 years ago we were anxiously awaiting your arrival. It seems like you have been a part of our family forever. I love you more than you will ever know!!

Please forgive the iPhone pics...I am uploading from the phone today!

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