Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Ten Months Old!!!

Ten Months Old - March 23, 2011

Last week my little baby turned 10 months old!! I'm behind on posting this because we've been so busy! Caroline is moving so fast these days that I hardly have time to do anything but chase her around the house. She's also been standing on her own for several seconds! Once she realizes that she's doing it, she'll sit down. I cannot believe that next month will be the last "month birthday" before she's a one year old! We've been busy planning her birthday party and while I am so incredibly excited to celebrate that day, I am also sad. I'm sad that her "baby" days are coming to an end. I know that there will be plenty of baby days ahead for Adam and me since we hope to have more children, but those days with Caroline are just memories - some of the best memories of my life. I've been soaking up each little second that I can. I've made her crawl to me a million times just so I can see her sweet little face as she does it since she'll soon be walking to me. I've been rocking her in the nursery like we used to do each night. I will miss all of those precious moments but I am so excited to experience Caroline as a toddler!! We'll make even more wonderful memories!

Last night Adam and I discovered a top tooth coming in!! She has the two on bottom and now she's finally getting top teeth. We were wondering when they were coming. Not that that has stopped her from eating...she's a great eater. She's still eating baby food but now she's also working on table food. She's had crackers, toast, cheese, beans, grits, sausage, hamburger, frozen yogurt, hummus, pitas, and a few other things. She's doing much better sleeping these days. She's been taking long afternoon naps and it allows me to get so much done (like this blog post) which I love. She is still a daddy's girl. When Adam is around she won't even let me hold her. The only exception is at night when she's tired - then she only wants mama :) She loves playing outside and looking out the windows. She's such a happy child. She is usually always smiling and/or laughing. It's such a joy being around her!

Happy 10 months Caroline! It's hard for me to put into words how much I love you! You truly are the best thing in the whole world. Your daddy and I are having so much fun watching you grow and learn. You are such a beautiful gift and I love you!


Kelley said...

These pictures are adorable of Caroline-- I'd like to kiss her face right off!!!!

Rebecca said...

What a cute outfit!