Wednesday, March 9, 2011


A couple of weeks ago, Caroline and I went to visit a friend and her two week old baby. I should not have done that...all I can think about is having another little newborn!! She is so tiny! All newborns are tiny, but this little baby was born over a month early so she was extra little. Caroline looked like a giant compared to her. It seems like another life time ago that C was that little. Now look at my crazy almost 10 month old!!

It was so nice to sit and talk about all things baby for a while. I am so thankful to have such great "mommy" friends. They understand that when the baby wakes up from a nap 30 minutes early that it can throw the entire day off. They appreciate that we need to eat at certain restaurants that have changing tables in the bathroom. They just "get it." I am also so thankful for my sweet friends without babies that I can have a conversation with that doesn't involve diapers or bottles. They remind me that I am not just "Caroline's mom" but I am still Emily and I love that. I love that they love me AND love my child. We have such great friends!!

1 comment:

Hillary said...

So glad you could visit with us! Looking forward to some play dates once our baby C is a little bigger!