Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Nine Month Checkup

On Monday I took Caroline for her nine month checkup. We had to delay the appointment since she was still on antibiotics on her actual nine month birthday. Everything looked perfect - she's hitting all her developmental milestones. She's one very healthy baby and we couldn't be happier! She weighed 17 lb. 12 oz. (25th percentile), was 28.5 inches long (90th percentile), and her head was 17 inches (25th percentile). Contrary to popular belief she did not get her head size from her dad afterall. :) She had to get two shots and have blood drawn. I was so proud of her, she didn't even flinch when they were giving her the shots!! The nurse was so impressed and didn't know where to put the bandaid since it didn't bleed because she didn't move. I was prepared for her to freak out when they pricked her finger though. Would you believe that she didn't move a muscle and even watched them squeeze blood out of her finger!!! Certainly she did not get that from me. I am still the biggest wimp when it comes to needles. We've got to work on getting rid of the bottle and onto solid food completely in the next few months. I've got my work cut out for me, that's for sure. We are so happy to have such a healthy little girl!

She wasn't too sure about the doctor, but she was quite impressed with the crinkley paper and car keys.

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