Monday, December 1, 2014

Three Months Old!!!

Three Months Old - November 26, 2014

My precious Harrison turned three months old last Wednesday.  I haven't had a chance to blog since we left town for Thanksgiving that day and have had a busy rest of the week/weekend.  But baby is growing up and as hard as I have tried, I have been unsuccessful in slowing down time.

He is such a great baby and we are FINALLY past the colic.  We are so glad because it was starting to wear on us.  He isn't on a totally predictable schedule yet, but he does like to take a morning nap, an afternoon nap, and quick evening nap, and then he goes down for the night around 9:30 and will sleep until 6:00 the next morning - occasionally waking around 3 or 4 for a few oz. but that is not every night thankfully.  He loves to be swaddled and will not sleep any other way.  Once he starts screaming around 9/9:15, we quickly swaddle him, give him a paci, and turn the vibrations on on his rock and play and he falls asleep within minutes.  He is a great sleeper and can sleep in the car, through the noise of his sisters, when I vacumn, or in complete silence.  It was wonderful.  I guess that is what happens when you are a third child :)

He is a good eater and eats about 4 oz. at each feeding.  I am still exclusively pumping and it's somehow working out well so I am going to stick with it for now.  We will see what I say next month...  He can roll over from tummy to back when he wants to.  He has pretty good head control and will try to put weight on his legs if you hold him up.

He loves bath time, his sisters, mommy and daddy, his swing, looking in mirrors, Christmas lights, and tummy time.  He loves to be held, which we love to do.  He smiles easily, which we love to see.  Can you see a trend here...we just LOVE this little guy!  Caroline and Ann Parker dote on him.  I cannot wait to see his relationship with them develop over the years.

He is still sleeping in the rock and play sleeper in our room.  He still uses the vibrations so I don't want to rock the boat just yet by moving him into his crib.  He has never slept in the bassinet except for the first (and only) night we were home before heading back to the hospital.  He is wearing mostly 3 month clothing (or 3-6 month) with a few 6 month things in there.  He is still in a size one diaper.

These past three months have been so wonderful.  I just love this little baby and he fits into our family perfectly.  It's only been a short time, but I cannot imagine our lives without him now!

Happy three months sweet boy!  I love you more than any mommy could ever love their baby.  You and your sisters are my favorite things.  I am so thankful that God chose me to be your mom.  What an amazing gift.

He was so not into taking pictures...

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