Monday, December 1, 2014

2.5 and 4.5 years old

Ann Parker turned 2.5 on October 20 and Caroline turned 4.5 on November 23.  These girls have been growing up and turning into amazing little girls and I want to remember so many things about this stage.

Ann Parker:

Biggest thing to happen lately...she is POTTY TRAINED!!!!!  Since they didn't have school the week of Thanksgiving I decided to do potty training boot camp, since it worked so well with Caroline.  After hours and hours of accidents I felt like a big failure and assumed she would be in diapers until 5th grade...but all of the sudden she got it!  We started last Monday and once she finally made it in the potty, she has only had three accidents in the entire week since.  I am one proud mommy!!!

She adores Caroline!  When Caroline is getting in trouble (usually for not listening), AP will with stand in between me and Caroline and point her finger at me and say "That's MY sister!!!  Leave her alone!"  It's annoying and adorable all at the same time.  She copies most of what C does and always wants to match her in clothes and pj's.

She is still a mama's girl but has been having a lot of daddy days too.  Her favorite thing to do is watch football with Adam.  He went to the Iron Bowl last weekend and she cried when she couldn't go - so she watched the whole game with me but kept saying that she wanted daddy.

Her favorite foods are cheese, butter noodles, macaroni, broccoli, rice, fruit snacks, strawberries, apples, hot dogs, pizza, chicken, and pretzels.  She prefers salty snacks to sweet snacks.  She usually wants to crunch on ice or eat popcorn at night - which is identical to Adam.  Sweet Caroline likes sweet things like me.

She is doing great in school and has made lots of new friends.  The kids she talks about most are Ben, Boone, Owen, and Anna Glenn.  She loves her teachers too.

She says all sorts of funny things that make us laugh.  Some are:
Take it away Caroline - when singing
Well...what do you know?
Hold me harder!
She sometimes calls me "moppity" instead of mommy.


Caroline has turned into such a smart, sweet, kind little girl.  God sure blessed me when he gave me Caroline.  She still has a ton of energy so we have to keep her busy.  At home we have to work on listening and we have implemented a behavior chart, although at school she is apparently a great listener...go figure.

She is pretty much a daddy's girl through and through.  When she wakes up in the morning, she wants to lay with me but otherwise she wants daddy.  They have very similar personalities so it makes sense.  She likes to be the center of attention and she likes to know everything.  We were recently talking to her about strangers after she kept going up to people and asking to get in their cars so she could go play with them (super awkward).  Adam explained what a stranger was and that she should not ever go with someone who is a stranger.  Her reply was, "Well I will just introduce myself and then they won't be a stranger."  Touche little girl.

She is excelling in school and I am so proud.  She can write her name, knows all the letters and their sounds, knows all the days of the week and months of the year, and so much more but it would take all night to write.  She is very smart and she gets frustrated when she doesn't know something.

Her favorite foods are blackberries, pizza, hot dogs, chicken, cheese, butter noodles, cookies, ice cream, brownies, really anything that is dessert like, popcorn, plain bread, fried shrimp, and pancakes.  She is sometimes a really good eater...and sometimes horrible.  She is growing though, so I am not worried.

She has a vivid imagination.  She is playing pretend all day long.  She also loves dancing, singing, and preforming.  She just finished soccer and has a few more classes of gymnastics to go in this session.  She is also still in ballet and choir.  We are busy, but she loves it.

I love these two little girls!!  Here are some pictures from our recent mini session with the fantastically talented Brandon Gresham of Simple Color Photography.

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