Monday, October 15, 2012

Pumpkin Patch 2012

On Saturday we all loaded up in the car and went to Old Baker Farms Pumpkin Patch.  We had the best time!!  The weather was perfect for our adventure.

Caroline loved riding the little tractors.

They had live music - which we all loved listening to.  Caroline had a blast dancing and singing along.  I'm pretty sure she was singing "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star" so maybe she wasn't singing along...just singing :)

 We went through the hay maze.  C had a great time saying "this way" at each turn.  When she finally found her way "out" (back at the entrance) she threw her arms up and said "Ta da!!" 

The petting zoo was a big hit, of course!

 Ann Parker and I were there too, we were just behind the camera most of the time!

They had a shoot out at the corral.  I was sure that it would scare Caroline.  Turns out, that was her favorite part!!  For hours after we left she kept talking about the shoot out!!

Cotton Picking.

Me and my sweet girls!

We went on a hayride out to the pumpkin patch to pick out the best pumpkins.

On the hayride back with one of our pumpkins.  Poor thing was so hot and exhausted at this point.

Good thing it was nothing that playing in some water couldn't fix!

We look forward to the delicious lemonade at the pumpkin patch each year.  I am not a lemonade drinker, but I will drink this.  Caroline stole mine and drank the whole thing herself!!

After our long, but oh so fun, day we headed to a friends house to watch the Alabama game before calling it a day.  Since it's October now, skeleton pj's are a must!

This is a picture from the following day.  I just wanted to show off my cuties in their cute little Halloween spiders shirts! 

We had such a fun day at the pumpkin patch!!


Anna Beam said...

Looks like y'all had SO much fun--C in particular! :)

Alli and Korey said...

LOVE LOVE the spider shirts!! They should wear those every day in october : )