Friday, July 20, 2012

Three Months Old!!!

Three Months Old - July 20, 2012

Today my little girl is three months old!  A quarter of her first year has already passed us.  I wish I could make time stand still because I am loving her at this age!!  She is always smiling.  She smiles when she wakes up, she smiles when we look at her or talk to her, she smiles at her toys...literally the smiliest baby I know.  She has started making those precious little coos when she gets very happy and we just love it.  Caroline thinks she is the best thing ever.  She always wants to hug or kiss her little sister. 

Ann Parker is still in size 1 diaper and 0-3 month clothes.  She eats every 2-3 hours during the day, with one 3-4 hour stretch.  She eats anywhere from 3-6 oz. at each feeding.  She sleeps through the night from 9-7 and we are hoping to move her to a 7-7 schedule.  Now that she is three months I feel like I can start her on a real schedule, rather then feeding on demand.  We will see how that goes...

She has been purposely grasping for objects and likes to hold the rings on her playmat.  She loves looking in the mirror and watching the lights on the playmat as well.  She also likes bathtime, her swing and bouncer, music, and her paci.  She is a very mild tempered little girl, still only crying when she is hungry or needs a new diaper.  She seems to sleep more during the day than Caroline did at this age.  Based on how Caroline sleeps now, I am thinking this is a very good thing.

She has not rolled over yet, but she often rolls to her side.  I am sure she'll be rolling soon though!  She has great head control and doesn't seem to mind tummy time.  We will be pulling out the bumbo soon!  She is still getting breastmilk and I am hoping to get to at least 6 months with her.  We don't plan on starting solid foods until then as long as she is happy.  We don't go back to the doctor until 4 months so I don't have stats, but I know she has grown.  Her little face is filling out and her clothes are fitting a little more snug.

Happy 3 month birthday little girl!  We love you so much and are having the greatest time watching you grow.  What a blessing you are!!


Anna Beam said...

Happy Three Months Ann Parker! You are such a cutie pie and Lucy is going to miss you lots!

Kelley said...

She is just gorgeous! How is she 3 mos already?!?