Friday, July 13, 2012

Life with Two (so far)

Warning: This post is probably going to be boring for most everybody.  I have really loved going back and reading blog posts I wrote when Caroline was a baby and seeing how things were and comparing the two and I want to be able to look back at some of this stuff one day too. 

Two years ago I had a not quite two month old.  I was a very new mommy and was learning everything as I went.  Fast forward to today and I sit here in the rarely quite house watching my two month old sleep in her bouncer and listening to my two year old watch an episode of Mickey.  Although I still feel like a new mom, I realize that I am not.  Maybe I was more relaxed going into my second time or maybe Ann Parker is an easier baby or maybe some combination of those two, but I am finding this experience with two kids to be - dare I say - fun.

 I had prepared myself for the worst.  Caroline still doesn't sleep through the night how would I handle being up with two all night?  Luckily AP sleeps through the night so I am only up with one kid.  I didn't expect it to be my toddler, but getting up with one I can handle.  Before AP was born, Caroline and I had a great routine going.  We both loved our time together.  I genuinely enjoyed spending time with her and was so worried about adding a new one to the mix.  Thankfully Caroline has handled sharing the spot light with more grace than someone of her age should.  She loves Ann Parker so intensely and I can only hope that they grow up to love each other like this forever.  Caroline is patient, giving, and kind when it comes to her sister.  If we are outside playing and I am holding AP, I cannot get C to come in the house for anything!  She loves being outside.  If we are outside and AP is inside napping, C will come inside the second I say "We have to check on your sister" or "The baby is crying."  Nothing will stop her from getting inside to check on the baby!!  It's the most adorable thing ever. 

Since there are many time throughout the day where I am feeding, pumping, changing, rocking, etc. we have watched WAY too much Mickey and Backyardigans.  I will be glad once school starts in the fall so we are back in a routine.  Caroline will be going 3 days a week and I have mixed feelings about it.  I know she loves it and will have a great time, but I also know this is the start of her being "gone."  Lame sounding, I know.  But seriously, in just a few short years she will begin kindergarden and then she'll always be gone during the week until she eventually graduates.  Her childhood is moving so quickly and I just want it to slow down.  She truly is a perfect toddler :)

Ann Parker is such a good baby!  She sleeps through the night, only cries when she's hungry or needs a new diaper, smiles very easily, doesn't mind her car seat, and did I already mention sleeps through the night??  She is the type of baby that makes me want to have ten kids!!  (Luckily I have a wild toddler who reminds me why that is a bad idea...)  Just like their pregnancies were very different, these two are have very different personalities.  Ann Parker seems to be more of an observer and more laid back.  Caroline is very outgoing and active.  Both are wonderful, just very different.

I heard some people say that going from 1 kids to 2 was the hardest transition and others that said that having the first kid was the hardest.  I remember after having Caroline I was having a hard time adjusting.  She wasn't sleeping so I wasn't sleeping.  I had no idea what I was doing so we were both often in tears.  I remember telling Adam that I hoped one girl was enough because I was never having more kids.  Even with the two extra hospital stays, I never said that after AP.  I have said that I wanted a third even through the craziness of having a newborn and learning how to handle two kids. (I realize that statement may make me crazy!)  Somehow it just seems easier this time around.  I am busier for sure, but the transition was easier.  There have been plenty of days where I have thought to myself, "How can I do this?" but somehow I just do.  Two and half months into two kids and I am really enjoying it.  I've started to get a handle on how to juggle this.  I have learned that things can change very quickly with kids so don't be surprised if next week I am a wreck!!

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