Monday, March 5, 2012

Twenty One Months Old!!!

Twenty one months old - February 23, 2012

My little girl is almost 2!! AND - she can tell you that! She doesn't do it all the time, but if you ask how old she is, she'll say "Twooooooo" in the cutest little voice. I thought it would take her longer to master that...what a little smartie pants! Time is flying by and I just want to slow it down. This is such a fun age with Caroline, although it's also been the hardest. Her vocabulary expands by the day it seems. She has been copying words that we say so we better watch ourselves! She is speaking in some sentences!! Nothing long or incredibly profound - but she's going to be a big talker soon. She'll say things like: "Where'd it go?", "I see it", "I got it" "Right there", "Daddy gone", That's daddy's", etc. It's amazing to watch her learn things so quickly. The first year of her life we watched her grow so much physically and now that has slowed down, but we are watching her grow mentally and it's just as fun!

After several nights (as in weeks) of horrible sleeping - waking up 6-8 times through the night - we finally called the doctor. While waking up some at this age is normal (I was shocked to learn that most kids don't sleep through the night 100% of the time until age 4), the amount she was getting up isn't normal. She has been having night terrors, which accounts for some that. The rest is either stubbornness, separation anxiety, or some other cause. We gave her some medicine to help her sleep for the past week and that has helped. Tonight will be the first night without it so I hope that we have established a decent pattern at this point so we can all get some rest. If the next few days don't go well we will be headed to the doctor to get checked out. She had been on such a great schedule for so long and I feel like we have reverted back to the newborn days!!

Caroline is so incredibly kind and loving. The other day I was crying (which isn't uncommon during this pregnancy) and I don't usually get so emotional in front of her so this was out of the ordinary for her to see. Caroline crawled into my lap and started making funny faces at me. When I started laughing she gave me the biggest hug ever! She has a few baby dolls/stuffed animals that she loves. She will rock them and hug them. She is so sweet with them and we are hoping that means she'll be sweet with her sister. She always seems so worried when another child is crying and acts like she wants to help in some way. She has such a beautiful heart!

Her favorite things to do these days are play on the swings and the trampoline, finger paint, playdoh, flash cards, dance, throwing/catching/kicking balls, and her play kitchen. She's still as busy as ever. I've been getting exhausted earlier and earlier these days so it's hard sometimes to keep up with her!

She's a super tall but super skinny girl! Her waist size still fits into 6-9 month things, but her legs and torso fit 24 month and 2T. She's still in a size 4 diaper and will probably be in those until she's potty trained. She hasn't used the potty yet, but she is very interested in it. We haven't transitioned her to a big girl bed yet but that's because her new room isn't done. Our goal is to have it done by March 31st. We better get to work!! She is a good eater and often prefers fruits and veggies to sweets and other snacks. Her favorite things by far are broccoli and grapes. She won't turn down french fries - but she has opted for green vegetables over pizza and mac and cheese.

She likes to get her way (who doesn't?) and this often leads to tantrums. When she gets over tired or hungry she gets very irritable and lately has started swatting at us. She doesn't ever hit us hard (she did that one time and got in trouble and has thankfully never done it again). She just swats her little hand in our direction when she gets frustrated. We are working on stopping this annoying behavior before it gets too far!

Caroline is such a joy to us, even in the challenging moments. She is turning into such a wonderful little person and we cannot wait to see what's in store for her in the coming months. I cannot say it enough - I feel so blessed that I was chosen to be her mommy and I love every second of it!

Happy 21 months baby girl! We love you so much.

1 comment:

Anna Beam said...

so sweet...I can't believe she is going to be two so soon!