Wednesday, July 13, 2011


Ever since Caroline turned 1, we have been struggling with her eating. I have read over and over (and heard from friends and our doctor) that this is completely normal. She's not growing as drastically so she doesn't require as much food either. We have found a few things that she seems to really like (although these can change at any given moment) such as strawberries, blueberries, toast/bread, broccoli, black beans, cheese and sweet potato. She loves ice cream and pizza like a typical little kid. Some days she seems to really love certain foods. I get excited and as soon as I go buys lots of it, she acts like she hates it. I decided to buy those little powdered doughnuts to give her a treat. She almost never gets sweets and I feel like I am always forcing fruits and veggies on her. I thought she was going to love it. She seemed to like it at first. She ate a few bites, got it all over her and even asked for more. I gave her another one and she gave the entire thing to Daisy. I tried giving her a small piece and she started crying and shaking her head no. Since I couldn't let them go to waste, I ate the entire bag. :)

One day we'll get her to eat better!

1 comment:

Jared and Elizabeth said...

I like the way you think! Can't let the bag go to waste! :)