Monday, October 27, 2014

Two Months Old!!!

Two Months Old - October 26, 2014

Yesterday my little boy turned two months old!!  Time is flying by with this little guy.  He went for his two month well visit today so I waited to do this post...two months old and I am already slacking.  Third child problems...

He is growing like a weed.  As of today, he weighed 10 lb. 2 oz. (5-10%), was 22 1/2 inches long (25%) and his head was 14 1/2 (5%).  Dr. Wilson was very pleased with his growth.  He got three shots and one oral vaccine today and took them all like a champ.  He cried for all of two seconds and then was totally over it.  He is officially in size 0-3 month clothes.  He wore his last newborn sized sleeper last week and it was a tight squeeze!  He is in size one diapers, he moved up shortly after one month.  He eats about 3 oz. at each feeding every 2-3 hours in the day with at least one 4 hour stretch and he makes a 5 hour stretch at night.  I am exclusively pumping, which is pretty miserable for me but I am going to keep doing it for now since he is doing so well as far as growth.

This has been the best and worst month all at the same time.  He has started smiling (7 weeks, 1 day) and cooing and it's just precious. Unfortunately, he has had some colic and it's been rough.  He has periods of uncontrollable crying, especially in the evening.  We have tried a million different things...gas drops, probiotic drops, driving in the car, bouncer, swing, swaying, walking, swaddling, unswaddling, holding him, laying him down, and the list goes on.  It's so sad and so exhausting so I am hoping that he outgrows it soon.  He was my easiest pregnancy by far, but my hardest baby. The smiles and coos came at the perfect time though, right when we both really needed a little smile.

He really likes bath time, his swing, watching his sisters, and his boppy lounger.  He isn't a huge fan of the bouncer.  He loves to be held - all the time.  At night he sleeps best when we swaddle him and he has just started to occasionally take a paci.  I wasn't going to give him one, but we had to try it when the colic started.  I was desperate for something.  He doesn't always like it, but every now and then it's been a big help.

Happy two months, Harrison!!  Even though you cry a lot we still love you so much!  You are such a sweet little guy and we simply adore you.  I cannot wait to watch your little personality develop over the next several months (and years).  I love you!

1 comment:

Stefanie said...

Exclusively pumping is so hard! I am amazed you have done it for this long with three kids to take care of. You are an amazing mom!