Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Fifteen Months Old!!!

Fifteen Months Old - August 23, 2011

Last week my little girl turned 15 months old! That just sounds so old to me. She no longer "just turned one." Every day she is learning more and more. This stage is so wonderful! We don't have her 15 month checkup until Thursday, so stats will come then but here's so tidbits on C at 15 months!

She can say a few new words, but mostly she is just repeating what we say. For example, she picked up a rock outside and gave it to me. I said "rock" and she replied with "ra." She kept saying it over and over but then later when I asked her what the rock was, she didn't say anything. She will occasionally point to her head, tummy and nose but only when she feels like it. She's a stubborn little thing :) She loves to dance and hop (she doesn't really get off the ground yet). She'd rather be outside playing than doing anything else. She has been eating much better, but only when she eats with a fork and puts the food in her mouth herself. As you can imagine, eating takes about 10 times longer than it used to! She LOVES to read! She has just recently started sitting in my lap to listen to books for longer than a few minutes. We actually read several before she is done. She also likes flipping through books herself. Her favorite book right now is The Sleepy Little Alphabet. My sweet friend Maggie and her husband Drew gave her this book for her birthday. We seriously read this book at least 5 times a day. As soon as I finish it, she'll flip it back to the first page and point at it until I start reading it again. (C is also obsessed with the bubble mower that Maggie and Drew got her - they certainly win the award for most loved bday gifts!!) Her fine motor skills are also developing very quickly! She's getting pretty good at using a fork. She can turn the shape blocks to put them into their correct hole to get them into the bucket. She can pick up crayons and scribble on paper. It's so amazing to think back to even 6 months ago and realize how much she has learned. She's at the stage where she is starting to play with babydolls!! I love it! She will pick up her doll and give her kisses and rock her. I love little girl stuff. I've starting giving her dessert every now and then. If she eats well, I'll give her a cookie. She seems to have a major sweet tooth just like her mommy! She still cannot stand bows or headbands in her hair but we're still working on that. She's wearing a size 4 diaper and her clothes size varies. She has about 10 teeth and we love her little toothy smile! She has been throwing lots of little tantrums lately and has even been sent to time out (not that it worked out well though). When she doesn't get her way she's been stomping her feet and crying and then when that doesn't work she throws herself on the ground and cries more. Luckily it hasn't been too bad and she's still young enough to be easily distracted by another toy. We're still working out how we plan on disciplining our children when situations arise so for now we're just sort of winging it. Other than those few tantrums, she is the sweetest little girl. She loves to give hugs and kisses and they just melt my heart.

Happy 15 months Caroline! You are becoming such a wonderful, sweet, smart little girl. I cannot wait to see you continue to grow and learn. You make us so happy and we love you more than you will ever know!

1 comment:

Maggie Weems said...

Glad you love the book and bubble mower Caroline! I can't believe how BIG you are and hope to see you really soon! You just get cuter and cuter with each picture your mom posts!